Thoughts on my planed set up. Help!

Graphics card- EVGA GeForce GTX650Ti Boost 2GB

CPU-Advanced Micro Devices AD750KWOHJBOX 100W

Motherboard-Gigabyte AM3 78LMT-USB3

Hard drive-WD Blue 1 TB

Case-GAMMA Classic Series ATX Mid Tower

Ram-Corsair Vengeance 4GB (1x4GB)

Power supply-Corsair CX Series 500 Watt

Other Windows 7, Asus Optical Drive 

2 things. First thing is that that CPU is an FM2 socket, that motherboard is an am3 socket. Second, get 8GB of ram, can pick up 8GB for £50. 

Ok thank you

From what i've read you have this

I've filled in some blanks and there is no price on the GPU (I'm from the UK so not sure what that costs in $$), but not the best use of your money.

I'm guesstimating you're looking ~$750 from specs and buying Windows 7 so in my spare few moments while waiting for shizzle to copy i threw together this

Tried to stay true to what you originally had while making sure i had good value for monies

Thank you so much this really helps!

No need for such a fancy PSU.  And I find the RM PSUs quite overpriced once you see the teardowns...

FM2(+) platform as the board that orris had can't handle much more than an FX-6350(non overclocked), and won't show much of a performance improvement.  The 760k is also a little bit faster than the 750k.

Motherboard I chose has decent cooling on the VRMs, and is more future proof as it has a FM2+ socket if you wish to upgrade.

2x4GB RAM.  Dual channel kit will be up to 50% faster in daily usage compared to single channel RAM.

GTX 760 is much, much stronger than the GTX 650ti.  It'll help in gaming, if this build is for gaming.

NZXT Source 210 elite is a great budget case.

EVGA 500B PSU is a great budget PSU.  The quality is decent, especially at this price.

Windows 7 Pro?  You don't need that at this price range.