Hello. I am planning on building a new rig and just wanted to get some feedback/thoughts on it. I want to keep it under 950€ budget (978,32€ atm). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated since I am fairly new to this. Thank you very much :)
PSU- CM GX-Lite 700W MB- Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 CPU- AMD FX-8320 COOLER- CM Hyper 212 EVO RAM- 8GB DDR3-1600 MHz Kingston Beast GPU- Sapphire HD7950 SSD- 90GB Kingston HyperX 3K HDD- 1TB WD10EZEX TOWER- Zalman Z11 Plus
what are you planning to use this for? if its for gaming i would recomend the AMD FX-4170 Zambezi its a 4.2Ghz quad core with same L2 cache per core and same 125W
I dont know much about Fortron Psu's, but they dont sound very reliable. Get a corsair, XFX, seasonic or some other big brand. For the ssd, go with the one logan reviewed a whil ago, the adata. Or the kingston HyperX 3K
i had trouble figuring out which counrty u wanted it done in let me know and ill adjust the build (or you could save up an extra hundred € :P )
side note i updated this from one of my earlier parts list becuase not all the parts were available but if u have access to them here is an american list of the parts for under $1200 usd which is €938
Yeha sorry, I am from Slovakia (middle Europe), Is it possible to build a gaming rig with AMD, or should I just scrap it as a whole and go to Intel. I had some bad experience with Intel in the past so I am a bit biased for AMD (my last 2 PCs had AMDs and I never had any problem :)) Thank you!
i can put together an amd build if u would like, it personally doesnt make any difference to me my current computer uses amd but i also look at intel when it fits into the budget, wat do u plan to use the computer for mostly
http://www.ediscomp.sk/ you might have a bit of a problem because of the language (its in Slovak), if its too much of a bother on that one just find them anywhere else and Ill look for a slovak shop :) Thanks