Thoughts On Mid-Range PC Build

I am building a PC for a client for mostly indie gaming and some AAA titles on low to medium quality. I decided to use a 7700k APU to save cost, I am somewhat skeptical on the PSU as I haven't used Corsair for a power supply but it is 80+ certified so it should be OK. Everything together comes to about £380 which is about the budget i am aiming for.

Here is the link to my Amazon list

Let me know on your thoughts and if there are cheaper or better value alternatives but i need to keep under £400.


Hi Tim,

Just three things, will the person be adding a graphics card in the near future? if not than I would put the PSU down to 430W.

Do they need 8GB of RAM? if not than again 4GB will do

Lastly Do they need 2TB?

Your part selection is great I would not change anything else.

Hey AdamJF, 

I will recommend they add a gpu in the future or if they want more power so I thought it was best to stay safe at 500W

The memory is a buy for life sort of thing so getting 8GB now should save them any trouble as they are not in any way technically minded.

Yeah 2TB was requested. 

Thanks for the help AdamJF

seems like a pretty solid computer that has room to upgrade down the road if need be. personally I wouldn't bother with buying a brand new optical drive (since optical media is about as dead as daytime television). If you really need an optical drive for the odd CD or DVD I am sure you could buy one super cheap used. I do agree with you on the power supply, since they do (very slowly) lose output as they grow older, but it will be still be plenty to power a mid ranged GPU a year or two down the road. I have a corsair power supply and have not had any problems with it.

Unfortunately I do need an optical drive (by request) and I would throw in the one I have in my system now but I do use it from time to time. Ah good to know thanks for the help.