Thoughts on MDPC sleeving or sleeving in General

I just recently was able to get to MDCP international store to order some white sleeving, heatshrinks, tools, ect.  Has anyone had any experiences with Nils and MDCP? What do you think of his quality, shipping times, ect? How are the bleed through of wire colors? Even if bleed isn't that bad I might just create my own cables from blue or  white 18 AWG. Please share any experiences as this will be my first time dealing with MDPC and his stuff comes highly recommended.

I've seen plenty of pictures of mdpc sleeving, and I dont think the colors will bleed through the sleeving. Or not significantly atleast. I like to sleeve cables but MDPC sleeving is too much for me and I wouldnt buy anything else, so I just stick with paracord since it's extremely cheap.

Thanks for the insight. I was thinking about paracord but even though it is a bit more, like $0.21/ft, I chose MDPC which seems to be every modder/sleever go to choice so I decided to go that route.   I might post pics of some cables after I am done.