I was recently suggested to try the EVGA GTX 760 video card (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130937) for my pc build and from what I can tell it seems pretty awesome considering its price. Anyone have any thoughts on this card? I would like to build a powerful gaming/video editing pc for around 1500 so this definitely looks attractive. I basically want a powerful enough card to run BF3 and possibly BF4 on ulta settings on a 1080p screen.
If you need 4GB of VRAM then you need a more powerful card. At resolutions where 4GB of VRAM would be needed the 760 wouldn't have enough juice anyway. If you play at 1080p just get the 2GB version.
Also get one with the ACX cooler, I just ordered one Friday.
Oh okay, thanks for the help! So basically vram is only good for higher resolutions? What about even the next generation of games like BF4? You think more vram would be good to have?
2GB should be plenty for 1080p!
Haha, okay got ya! Thanks!
4GB is useless on a 256-Bit bus unless in 3-way SLi, the 760 cannot push 4GB, not even in 2-way SLi.
Hey guys, not OP, I play mostly league (not a demanding game) and I want 1440p would it be a good card in my case, maybe?
Well, saying you mostly play league, that means there are other games that you play. If they arent super intensive AAA games, then I would say even at 1440p, league would cut it close on vram.
760 doesn't have enough juice to push 4GB of Vram. It's just extra needless cost. See if you can't pick up a 7950 for a similar cost. Once overclocked, those things compare to an overclocked 770, and you have the 3GB Vram sweet spot for high-res monitors.
Other games include MAYBE HoN or DotA in the future