Thoughts on COD: Ghosts

i've been playing call of Duty since COD 1, and lately i have lost interest in the series due to its lack of "inprovements", so to speak. this won't stop me from wanting to try Ghosts though. give me your thoughts and opinions on this game! is it optimized? is the gameplay any good? are there any major (or minor) improvements on the graphics? Go!


Thanks Heaps

The game is terrible and it isnt optimized for PC. Nerd cubed made a good video on this. Its actually quite funny and honest. 

Yeah I have to agree, It is absolutely horrible, I really can hardly stand to play it, the fact that I bought it is the only reason I even bother,

I do not recall being so disappointed in the series up until now, and what the hell is wrong with the map size, most of them seem quite to large for the amount of players allowed considering most people seem to camp like silly little girls.

I personally think the game is great! Advantages- No more OP shotguns, Much less quickscoping, nice customisation in create a class, Good graphics and more! Disadvantages- Locked field of view, no way to change search preferences based on ping, and the maps are big. NOT BAD! JUST BIG! You can always just play ground war. This wont totally fix all the camping but it will increase the speed of the game and make it more enjoyable. The assault streaks are pretty shit as well, only a few I would bother with, stick with specialist. I do find it funny that the other two guys who said the game was shit didn't give many reasons as to why it's bad, I would highly recommend it. Better than BO2 that's for sure!

You seem like a CoD fanboy.

Graphics? Please, tell me how Ghosts had good graphics when you compare it to BF4.

Plus, the optimization for PC is terrible. Go watch TB's video on it, he constantly gets FPS varying from 30 to 60, while he can run BF4 on max at constant 60 fps.

I haven't played, but just from watching videos and what other people have said, this is what I've observed.

  Haha are you really insulting him by calling him a fan boy?  Does that really make you mad?  You sound like a BF4 fanboy.(I am too)  I like call of duty graphics, but I know that it's not no where near bf4 but the graphics aren't bad.

Buy Rising Storm. Cheaper and better than most modern shooters.



Considering "Next Gen," COD graphics are terrible IMO, however,

There is a FOV changer available as with previous versions which I would NOT count on getting a ban over

You can adjust your ping via MP CONFIG -  \Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Ghosts\players2\

Look for seta cl_maxPing “800″ you can change it to something acceptable for your area, however the community is pretty small on PC at the moment.

 yeah that's not a typo the default is at a flippn 800 ping, I'm in the Midwest here in the states and I was getting lobbied up with people from the UK, no offense to the UK but it really made for a horse shit gaming experience considering there is still NO dedicated servers.

Running a mouse recorder to see the number of frame skips and drops shows some horrifying results that needed to be severely tweaked via the MP CONFIG again.

some of the maps are clearly a very bad remake

the campaign I thought was terrible as well, not to mention all the copy and paste there.

character customization? I guess I just don't see the thrill in that when it comes to an FPS if it was a MMO or something then ok I could see how this is cool.

this is one of the worst ports if not the worst port I have ever seem, you can still have auto aim even, via a controller... they made absolutely 0 upgrades or tweaks for the pc side of this game.


No connection info at all for ping's and etc "something rather fundamental for a competitive game"

No incorporation with Call Of Duty Elite, if you want to do anything with your clan your forced to download an app that they only support on the newest version of android software for example, so something like 15% of the world can even use it, and even of that 12% still cant use it because of underlying problems with the app itself.


I could keep going but this is already to long, and dont forget to look back and remember all the stuff they never bothered to fix in the past, I do not have my hopes set high for this game at all, the reviews online speak for themselves "23 critics vote the game at a 7.xx" on the same review site 900 users review the game giving it an overall score of under 2, something like 1.4 or so and that was several days ago so im sure its gotten worse.


that's also not just angry PC gamers, the console versions have gotten just as bad of a review.

oh just 1 more thing I had to toss in, the unlock system is horrible as well, you don't need to work for anything you can unlock every item possible very very very early on as you get an unlimited amount of squad tokens, I have over 200 of them just sitting there with no use already.

nerd cubed is funny

Its shit because even though I have a 660 ti and an i7 I couldnt run it.

The campaign was so boring it almost reduced me to tears, also total sequel bait ending, total bullshit.

multiplayer is about the same as the last 4 or 5 games.  The maps seemed like they were designed by IW D-team, and every gun is overpowered.

but the perk system is kinda cool I guess

Oh and what everyone else it saying is true too.  The system requirements doesn't match what you would expect. Looks about the same as MW2

Also worries me a little that the XBONE can't handle this at 1080p

what?! i heard that the game is badly optimized, but not at this level...

Just because the graphics aren't as good as the BF4 graphics, doesn't mean they're bad. They are good, and what they are in comparison to Battlefield is irrelevant.  So you're judging a game you've never even played? How can you make a clear judgement then? I thought this game was going to suck due to the last few CoD games, but then I gave it a shot, turned out to be worthwhile. Come back when you've actually played the game, then we'll argue. But I don't know if I'll have time to reply, I'll probably be too busy playing the shit out of Ghosts because I'm such a "Fanboy". 

You made me chuckle. lol