Thoughts on 1680x1050?

After hearing Wendell talk about 1366x768, I was wondering what he and Logan think of 1680x1050. This is the resolution of my main monitor and I hate it, mostly because it isn't evenly divisible by 4 which makes encoding full resolution screen captures annoying.

You did hear his thoughts about 1680x1080 though.  Not directly, maybe, but that whole rant was about resolutions that are not standard.  He only used 1366x768 because it is the most common resolution.

its just a 16:10 res kind of like 1920x1200 its just a different aspect ratio

it's the 16;10 counterpart to 4;3's 1440x1050.

It's really old but there's a few redeeming factors about it - the montors are extremely cheap used - like 40 bucks for an asus vw22 monitor with this rez. You can get poor man's eyefinity for 300 bucks with 3 of these and a 7950.


It's great for productiviity and webdesign.

It is what I have for my primary display, I looked in store at some 22ish inch 1920x1080 displays and they looked alot smaller. Will probably get a better monitor soon.

Man I hate 1366x768. I have so many laptops with that shitty res!

I go dual 1680x1050s on left and right while I go single 2560x1600 in the middle.

The resolution isn't bad, compared to 1440.