Thoughtful Movie Discussion

Lets avoid all spoilers please!

So, I just finished Shutter Island for the first time (yes I KNOW its kinda old). Keep in mind I'm only 17 so a lot of the great movies of the last 20 years were unknown or misunderstood by me up to this point (Idk of any 13 year old who would have understood Shutter Island).

Fortunately I figured this one out on my first viewing, based on what I've read many people need to watch it twice. It just got me thinking about what a good movie actually is, and wondering about what other great films I've missed out on.

Off the top of my head, these could all do for a re-viewing by me:

  • Inception
  • Interstellar
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

What else should I see? DiCaprio has been in a lot of awesome movies but not all of them are such rollercoaster-like plot rides like Inception or Shutter Island. I've enjoyed a lot of films this year, most notably Fury (war movies are war movies, but this was a great one) and Interstellar. I've heard good things about Maze Runner but I've yet to see it.

So, what are your picks? Not just from this year, but all time. I really need to get a collection of movies going.

My favourite Christopher Nolan movie is The Prestige, you should check that out. Also Oldboy (the 2003 version from Korea, not the crappy remake) is a really good movie, which I recommend to everyone. My favourite movie of all time is Apocalypse Now.


You seem to be a fan of Nolan, so id also suggest watching Memento. As for other more recent thought-provoking films, i would recommend, District 9, Donnie Darko, Moon, Paprika (the film Inception was largely inspired by) and maybe Under The Skin - a film that came out this year and received alot of puzzled reaction due to how artsy and different it is. I really enjoyed it, but i wouldn't be surprised if others didn't.

The horror... the horror...

I'll check those out! I've seen District 9 and it wasn't what I expected but still pretty good.

Watch Mr. Nobody. An amazing movie and one that makes you digest and really think about what it is actually about. One of my favorite films I have seen in a long while.

The classics. 

Both versions of 1984 and A Brave New World are staples. Atlas Shrugged 1 2 and 3 are as well, and you gotta see The Time Machine and Morlocks.