how many people here made an account on this website and started posting only due to the linux subforum on this website?
That was why I registered here. :P
Yar! Captain!
Came for the linux, but stayed for the banter.
I was drawn to this forum because of the linux content and the people in the linux category. I stayed because of all the other wonders I saw.
People are cool.
That's why I am here, an easy place to get help and give some as well. The Linux section is how I found The Tek, In some ways.
I was lurking around a little bit before but registered for the Linux.
I got here, before they strongly recommended us to use Linux.
Been a long time member/luker but with the Linux content and that I had been considering my 1 Year Linux Challenge in Fall 2014, decided to contribute to the community.
came here before the Linux content for the community. Stayed for the people and the Linux content.
I came here for the Linux content after seeing the pfsense episode with Wendell. I stayed because as New Linux user the community here at Tek Syndicate is welcoming. I am old school started with the Commodore Amiga 500 2 megs of memory and a 40 MB hd. I liked the Amiga OS, and when Unix came out for the Amiga I played around with that. Fast forward 25 years and I haven't touched a Unix box in 15 years. So I was happly surprised at how far Linux has come from the early days. So far my favorite distros are Ubuntu Unity 14.10 and Ubuntu MATE 15.04. Keep up the good work guys!
As someone who's been here a long time, this isn't Tek Syndicate anymore, it's Linux Syndicate with RTW on the side.
Technology changes, old stuff disappears, new stuff becomes popular, the world evolves. I think it's typical Tek Syndicate that it is keeping on top of the technological evolution.
In general, it's of course great that there is so much interest in linux, because it means that there is a large number of people that don't want to be left behind technologically and want to keep control over their technologically enhanced lives, BUT, I think that it's much more important to see the evolution that is happening now more as an evolution towards open source development, not only with regards to software, but with regards to science in general. There are many examples of this evolution outside of computer technology. Look at the success of the Micro Four Thirds camera system, which is an open source system that is shunned by a lot of traditional brands, but the reality is, that despite one of the biggest financial fraud cases in Japan, Olympus is scoring big time with MFT, and so is Panasonic, but also other traditional Japanese manufacturers that had been suffering because of the failure of the traditional brands, like Cosina, which amongst others makes the great f:0.95 series of Voigtländer lenses for MFT and has been selling tons of them, just like back in the day when the Leica M bayonet was used by a lot of manufacturers as a kind of de facto quasi open source standard. Open source works, people feel involved, the degree of indifference is lower, people regain control and like that, people learn more and more quickly and like that, people break out of preconceptions and explore other points of view and ideas and like it, and that's what open source is all about. Linux is but a very small part of that, just like MFT.
Came here before the Linux push. Lurked and realized Tek Syndicate had a better linux gaming/hardware community than Phoronix. But there are a bunch of other interesting things happening on the site besides Linux.
And the community is is a lot of fun and excessive fan boyism isn't much of an issue as it is elsewhere.
I have a question.
If the Linux section of the forums bothers you and you don't like the Linux content, why don't you just mute that forum section and not watch Tek Linux videos?
Also Windows is still much more popular here anyways just go look at Buil-a-PC and the hardware section. Why be offended at something that doesn't affect you?
It's not that I dislike the Linux content, in all honesty I enjoy watching the stuff from Tek Linux; what I dislike is the sheer number of new accounts and new threads asking questions that have been asked before. It saturates the forum and makes it difficult to find topics. I understand I could mute the Linux sub forum, but again, it's a catch 22; some of the Linux conent is enjoyable, but when the forum is saturated with it, it gets annoying.
same here... I used to lurk several forums but staid here and started posting when linux caught on. It's nice that it's just a few threads that derail in windows vs linux really hard.
I agree that some users need to learn to use the search function on the site and on their web browser to reduce duplicate post.
But if you don't want to see it in your feed just mute it. I mute the Build-A-PC section for the same reason, I do go in it once a day but don't want it on my feed. If you mute a section you can still see the content of you actively go in it. Seems like a pretty nice compromise.
TL,DR: I'm not here specifically for the linux section of the forums, nor have I read much of it (yet).
I came about this site when I happened across this video a bit over a year ago:
Since then, I have asked my share of questions, replied to a few of others' (for better or worse), even bought something in the Buy/Sell/Trade section. I've used linux here and there for the past 5 years, even had a multiboot setup for a while. It wasn't until I built my desktop (which I learned how to put together with the help of Logan's trusty build a computer video that's been around for several years) that I decided to have a dedicated linux machine (my low end laptop).
I've had my share of issues with my distro of choice or whateverness concerning linux, but haven't gotten to the point where I need to make a new thread concerning any of said issues yet.