This One Is For Logan

Since Logan decided to say there's nothing good in Detroit now days, I'd like to prove him wrong. My cousin Danny owns this place.

Edit: I know he was joking about Detroit at least a little bit, just trying to show that an old horse can still have some new tricks.

I'm pretty sure Logan was joking. He seems to be kind and generous. I don't think he meant anything to be took wrongly.  

Come on, we knew he was kidding when he was making fun of the Juggalos.

I know he was joking at least a little, just also throwing some beer suggestions out to you all :)

That Corktown Stout sounds very tasty. 

i dont think so man, juggalos are a bunch of retarded red necks.


the naked chicks are cool tho.

I do believe that they are under educated, but I admire them for their carelessness of the government and what people think about them.

didn't ask for age verification that leads minors to HEYEAYEAYEAYEYA flash video

0/10 would not bang

Probably is. lol