Seeing AMD market against this makes me smile a little. While some people might look at this as a low blow. What do you guys think?
Seeing AMD market against this makes me smile a little. While some people might look at this as a low blow. What do you guys think?
This is how a free market is supposed to work. Thats what NVIDIA gets for being fucking assholes on many occasions and locking down their products. AMD is pro-consumer (at least much more so than NVIDIA) and as CONSUMERS it would be dumb fundamentalism to support NVIDIA in this situation.
This is coming from an owner of an NVIDIA product.
AMD should make a fair bit of cash on those trade ins. In the EU shit is hitting the fan because of the amount of returns being processed by third-party vendors for the GTX 970. Hopefully AMD can recoup some of the damage that the 970 caused at launch.
At least AMD knows what their doing when it comes to cards that will perform like they should, unlike some others *cough* *cough* *NVIDIA* *cough*
I guess you didn't own a black screening R9 290 then eh... I did. Your comment shows a high level of ignorance (im saying your comment shows that you are unaware of facts, I'm not calling you stupid..). That card was totally unfit for purpose.
Owning an AMD card cost me dearly. You owe me money AMD! F**K YOU AMD YOU F*****G C***S :)
Both card makers are the same ,If theres a AMD card in future that fulfills my needs I wont stop myself buying it for some kind of stupid political reason ,You people (like that) are stupid morons with nothing better to do with your lives than this kind of thing, really sad, Get angry about real issues.
Let me count off the one, two, three, FOUR machines running AMD GPUs that have all experienced severe stability issues or performance hits because they're running an AMD product.
And let me tell you about the one, two, three, FOUR machiens that all have nVidia GPUs and have been trucking along great until either their screen interface cable gave out, they choked to a throttle on dust, or just wanted to be updated but hadn't done the auto check for it yet. Or, indeed, they ran that Windows OS after XP...
There are fanboys, yes. And they should largely be ignored. But the idea of not supporting a company that you feel doesn't produce a quality product isn't political. It's simply voting with your wallet (and quite frankly, you'd be a moron to support a company you don't feel is giving you a good product, unless you literally have no other choice for whatever reason). As a consumer, that is the best way to affect change in the market.
I've had multiple bad experiences with certain brands, and so I will never again buy one of their products. MAYBE if they show that they have corrected their previous issues and produce a number of solid products over a number of years... but otherwise they tend to be dead to me. Not to make some political point. Not to be a fanboy. But because I've been burned by them too many times for me to trust them with my money, and the only way I can show that is by not purchasing their products. So if people feel that way about AMD or Nvidia (or one of their affiliates), then why shouldn't they vote with their wallet? I agree they should look at things objectively, but at the end of the day why would you buy a product from a company you don't trust?
Also, the idea of "You should only get angry about real issues" is a bit ridiculous. Sure, there are plenty worse things in this world than having to deal with Comcast's customer service for example... but that doesn't mean that their poor service shouldn't anger you. If we only showed emotion about genocides or terrorist attacks, then that would leave the door wide open for us to be taken advantage of both as consumers and as citizens.
Of course, the level of anger should be relative to the offense... No one is calling for drone strikes on Ubisoft's corporate HQ, just as no one is shooting off passive aggressive e-mails to ISIS.
Completely moot to make comparisons on such a small sample base. I've got cards of all generations from both AMD/ATI and nVidia that run flawlessly to this day, and I've had plenty that have crapped out as well.
nVidia's G80 chips drop like flies, I've got crates of dead 8800 GTSs and 8800 GTXs at work, all either dead from poor cooling or bad memory. Don't even get me started on the recalls for the 8600M GTs...
Then on the other side, I've seen a fair number of ATI Radeon X series cards in the dumpster for fried VRMs and busted fans leading to death by heat. AMD made some mistakes in the HD 2000 and 4000 series with under performing coolers, again leading to heat induced death.
Your four experiences don't write the book. In the history of the two (or three) companies, your view has been less than 1%.
The problem is ,AMD fucked me over with the 290 and now the Nvidia 970 'Issue' ,SO I should switch to what? Matrox???????????????? :)
some issues on AMD are on the partners side like on the r9 i think 280 gigabyte cards people had an insane amount of memory issues dont always blame the chip manufacturer when their partners put in cheap components.but the 970 was on the chip side so blame nvidia driver issues blame it on amd or nvidia depending on what card your using.cooling is on both chip manufacturers and partners.
Your card just had a malfunction. NVIDIA knew what was wrong with their cards, lied, and still sold the shit anyway.