This just popped up on!


Better not be a countdown until they release a few screenshots...

Probably a trailer. They're not going to release HL3 (I assume that's what we're talking about) so soon. I mean, when was it first released to the public that it was in development, a month or two ago? Just because HL3 doesn't have the greatest graphics, or a long story line/game, doesn't mean it'll be released within 3 months of it's development statement.

I am assuming that since you got this in, this countdown is about Black Mesa: Source where its a total conversion of the original Half Life and bringing it to the Source Engine.

So 12 days from today, huh? Funny because, I just found my old HL1 and HL2 CD/DVDs and thought of playing through them again after my examinations.

Might hold off for 2 more weeks then just to see the original on source.

Can you explain why they would have the domain, and youtube channels 3 years before they even decided to port it to the source engine?

It just wouldn't make sense.

They've first announed an overhaul as early as 2004 after mixed reviews of Half Life: Source; fans demanded a complete remake using the Source engine from the ground up.

The overhaul team that were composed of 40, released trailers, made the domain name, made a youtube channel because they initially wrote the release date as "LATE 2009", but much like Valve, they changed it into "when it's done".

Sadly, 2009, 2010, and 2011, passed by without a word of any release date, until a few days earlier, they released a gameplay demo (I forgot where I saw it), and now, they showed a countdown. Some gaming websites have changed the release date from "when it's done" or TBA, into Sept 14, 2012. Exactly coinciding with the countdown...

Yeah, I just read the wiki page. Seems like a waste of time for the developers. Remaking a game, just to have the fans replay the same game, just for better graphics, and more intense gameplay.

I think this is a seperate group from the main team of developers, though.

However, I do agree with you about how better graphics, gameplay, etc., but essentially the same game/story; I will still be playing this old HL1 CDs and still enjoy it even with their "out-dated" graphics. I will probably still pick Black Mesa: Source just to see how HL1 plays using source.

But no doubt, they have wasted their time remaking...

With that amount of time, from 2004-2012, the main team of developers might have made HL3, and at least HL3 episode 1. lol

Yeah, they're volenteers, not the developers from the Valve team.

In 8 years, Valve could have made HL3 - Ep. 1 - 3, and still have it look better than the source engine.

Inb4 fans demand CS:GO engine graphics

OMG this thread has gotten me to crave over HL3 again. LOL

I'll probably hate Valve a little bit more if a Left 4 Dead 3 comes out before any news of HL3.

They do know if they release it, they'd make a ton of cash because of us die hard fans...

5 years after HL2 Ep 2 is long enough, me thinks

NOPE. It's a release. To the people. Go check out their facebook page.