This Is The Most Bizarre PC Issue I've Faced Yet... Help/Advice/Tips/Suggestions/Recommendations Appreciated! (UPDATED 10-18-20)

How would I go about accessing pages source since you suggested it? I don’t think Windows Sandbox would really do any good here & I don’t normally use Incognito mode much at all.

F12 on most browsers, or right click and view source

OK. Anything specific I’m supposed to look for?

Do they look the same on two different machines?

I would definitely imagine NOT. Granted this is the only pc that I use. Mom has her own pc & she doesn’t get on BoredPanda as much as I do, but I’m quite certain this issue isn’t present on her pc. Also, I don’t have a ton of experience with pages source as quite a bit of that stuff goes over my head. Lol

go to the console tab and compare any errors presented there with that of a machine where the page works as expected.

when you restored your settings / data did you restore your internet cache / cookies? might want to purge them and see if the issue persists.

Nope because I stated that it was clean install of Windows 10; not system restore.

This is what I saw after doing what you told me. You may want to interpret the results for me.

Just look to the right.

I thought I would give you guys a little update since no one bothered to reply to my last comment I made here. :unamused: After some additional tinkering & troubleshooting on my own, I have found that the issue I still am facing is actually related to the AdGuard extension which I was using on my browsers. (Oddly enough though, I NEVER did have this problem in the past. So I’m darned if I know what’s going on.) For the time being, I have switched to Ghostery, even though they aren’t quite as good IMO. BTW, if anyone knows what I can do to fix/rectify this issue when using the AdGuard extension, please do let me know as I’m more used to them!

I’m providing a link to the LinusTechTips forum where I discussed AdGuard with another user, but he didn’t seem to be of much help TBH. And just ignore the bashing I actually gave him in the beginning of the post. (I actually thought he partially misinterpreted part of my description, but that wasn’t the case.) :man_facepalming:t2: Anyway, here’s the link for you guys to review so you can hopefully further help me:

I think you all know the drill: if you have any other questions for me or need more details, ask & I’ll be sure to fill you in! Thanks to anyone who can help me out further! :slight_smile:

(Looks like Dernos nailed it off the bat, no?)

If it seems the extension is blocking the site from working, can’t you either add an exception for that particular site?
Or use a browser just for that site with no ad blocker on?
It seems you have plenty to choose from :slight_smile: maybe dedicate one of them to just the panda site?

And was the panda site the only problem you had, with part of it not loading?

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I mean, I use a bunch of ad blockers; They break the internet.
Then I work out sites that I determine are worth whitelisting my in my ad blocker, and which sites I just ignore/stop using

Actually, TBH, it was & the BritecComputers forum (, but like I said, I had never had this issue before. So i’m not sure if it’s like a glitch/bug in the AdGuard extension or something with my settings…? I do know that in the extension you have options for whitelisting & other options which I probably can’t remember all of them. Lol But if you need a straightforward answer, adblocking for me is worth it & pays off in the long run.

I was going to say that the AdGuard extension has never broke BoredPanda before until now for some weird reason(s). Based on what I said, I somehow doubt whitelisting the site would do much good.

Fair doos man. And the site might have made some changes that triggered the ad blocker.
Or their ad partners might have changed systems on them.

The site might just innocently be running scripts to work out what content you want, which might be a trigger?

Well, if the site loads without the blocker active, then there is a potential gain for you to whitelist?

[edit]And if it doesn’t, the I guess I mis-read your post

Not sure about the possibility/theory regarding scripts, but I can say after a few years of using BoredPanda, they appear to be a very well-maintained site!

I don’t think I mentioned it for this post, but I did mention in the other LTT forum post I linked earlier that it loads fine without any issues when the extension isn’t enabled which I find rather weird.

Ah, perhaps you are conflating a false positive block, for actual harmful script?

The ad block creators don’t have a magic ball for telling what sites will have good or bad scripts, so block potential problems

If you trust the site, then trust it? Else probably should not be on sites you don’t trust, maybe?

Well, don’t get me wrong- I can tell that this site is perfectly worthy of my trust as I have great internet common sense. But I don’t think I actually have any scripts blocked by default in my AdGuard extension settings. Did you even see the screenshots I included in the LTT forum post about AdGuard? I probably attached like 12 images showing my current settings.