This is an embarrassing question for Wendell and Logan

Hi Wendell and Logan

If feel a bit embarrassed asking this, however my knowledge is based around hardware mostly, I won't for a second pretend I am programmer.

I am a level one tech support agent for a IT services company who specialise in virtualization. Currently I am learning server administration, and more and more often the term 'scripting' keeps coming up and this is what has me confused.

To me scripting me means coding and afaik it can refer to the use of any programming language, however when I am learning about scripting in Windows Servers PowerShell or making logon scripts, etc, what language is used in these environments and server administration in particular.

I would love to dabble in learning a language and if I can put the language I use to work in my job role that would make it well worth my while.

Thanks in advance.

thumper / Conrad from Aus.

Normally Scripting is done in Javascript, Pearl (AKA CGI Scripts), or Flash's Actionscript Languages.

Powershell uses it's own unique language, VBS is pretty common for windows environments as well.  For *nix environments you may want to check out Python, Perl or even Bash scripting, they are good places to start.

I hear vbs is common in a Windows environment like you said, I wonder if that's a hard language to pickup?