Ok guys so i have around £800 for a gaming build with a 1080p monitor fitting into the budget. Im in scotland and for this price I have found i can make this:
Case - Zalman z11 plus hf1
CPU - i5 4690k
Mobo - msi gaming 3 z97]
PSU - Antec true power 650W 80+ gold
Ram - 8gb hyper x fury 1866mhz
GPU - r9 290
Storage - 1tb caviar blue WD (already have a 120gb ssd for boot drive)
Monitor - Had £120 on monitor - Acer K242HLABID 24"
USB 3 header adapater for £2 to sort out the usb 3 passthrough in the case
So i was wondering if this was a good build for the budget i have
Well you would want a better cooler for the i5 if you want to overclock.
An SSD is really nice, but those aren't difficult to add as a later upgrade.
Looks good though
Morgoth as i said next to the 1tb i already have a 120gb sdd for boot drive and my most used games :) so that is covered and as for overclocking it, i dont intend to OC out of the box and when i do decide to OC ill buy a hyper 212 or something in that ballpark :)
I promise I can read.
I have a hyper 212 evo cooling my 3570k at 4.4ghz. It does a decent job of cooling and is definitely good for a mild to medium overclock. However if you want to do some heavy overclocking I would invest in a better but more expensive cooler.
I have a 650w power supply, and I honestly somewhat regret not getting a higher wattage one since I need to buy a new power supply if I want to do crossfire. If you think you might do that in the future, it might be worth considering getting at 850w
Fair enough, and I know you can read :P i just thought u missed the 120gb in brackets but anyway yeah i dont plan on doing crossfire ever with this build. It is a one gpu system :)