Thinking of selling my Current gaming PC

Anyone in the market for a good gaming PC


Corsair 300R windowed case with Blue fan

Corsair h100i Water cooler (for some reason i cant change the colour on it)

16Gb RAM

i5 4670K

GTX 770

corsair 650 Watt PSU 

Gigabyte z87x d3h Motherboard

good condition, bit dusty but will give it a clean :D  

leave comments on how much you think its worth and how much you would buy it for as im not sure what to sell it for yet :) 

want to build a new one as i like building PC's :D 

I've thought about selling my PC just to build a new one for fun, and I honestly don't recommend it. What you'd be able to build with that money is most likely going to be worse in performance, you'd be really lucky to get something that performed similarly. You'd have t invest more money to get something better or probably even get something similar.

If you have enough money lying around, build an APU system or something for fun. Something that is different.

fair enough, ill take the thread down haha  bye lol 

Why not just upgrade the GPU / SLI it ?

might do, but i want the new 900 series GPU 

You can still sell it for ~140 pounds and get a zotac 970 or 980 for 280 or 420 .

I would wait for the amd though , as 4k stream processors looks amazing , and there MUST be a reason the 9xx series is so cheap .

ok ill wait and see :D 

If you're gonna sell, read the rules; need photos with your username written on a piece of paper. Otherwise, not a place to get suggestions; therefore this thread should be moved.

Interested, pm me


Sell some parts, get some new components, for me I recently upgaded my GPU's and it was a revolution, I had the new tech smell I actually got to install new tech GIGGIDY.

If you're after the new PC feel, buy a new case/learn to sleeve wires/look into watercooling. There's a lot of ways to build without losing moolah, but if you decide to sell the system as a whole be prepared to take an actual loss.

For me personally when I get the itch to build, I will buy a small yet significant component and live vicariously through that, or I will re-arrange my loop or wiring routing as it lets me fiddle with my rig for a few hours and I'm happy 

Thread moved anyway, as it's not involved in any active trading.