Thinking about upgrading my cpu

Hey guys, I was wondering about upgrading my system. Currently i have the following

gtx 260 core 216
phenom 9950 BE
EVGA 730a
3 gigs of ram (SHIT)

And i kind of wanted to get the new core i7s coming out (probably the 860). But I'm not sure if its worth the money, since its not THAT much better than my current cpu. Right now i have a shit case so i was either going to get a good gaming case, a cpu cooler, and some ram, or a new cpu mobo and ram. What do you think i should do?

Always try to get items that will go down the least in price over time. In this case its probably the case, cooler, and ram (since i've noticed ddr2 are starting to get more expensive). Also maybe consider Phenom II, you got a perfect mobo that can support it.

actually my mobo can only do phenom II 920 and 940, and my cpu is almost as fast as those, so im not sure about those

then ur only choice would probably be i7 920, or some new i5 that are within your budget. but still i'd get other stuff first, expect ram cause you might have to upgrade.

have you tried installing latest drivers? A lot of them will have updated it within the past few months to support the new phenom 2 CPUs. always check because amd CPUs are way better bang for ur buck. especially when the 955 is only $200.

have you tried installing latest drivers? A lot of them will have updated it within the past few months to support the new phenom 2 CPUs. always check because amd CPUs are way better bang for ur buck. especially when the 955 is only $200.


Either save up some money for an i7, but if you decide its too much, then Q9550
I just got one

Hmmm is there no bios upgrade that allows the phenom 2 to be used, as they fit in the AM2+ sockets?
My 720 Black Edition did.

Would not go for any of the Core 2 stuff anymore as they are obsolete from the time the i5 and i7 stuff becomes available, unless you are buying secondhand then they could be a bargain!

If you have got the money then go for i5/i7 or get a phenom 2 based system for less.


not sure why anyone would suggest old, low bandwidth motherboards, ever. socket 775 is done, over with. getting a 775 cpu is like buying an am2 cpu right now, they're dying as we speak. I think im going to wait a while, till the i7s get nasty cheap when the i9's come out, or whatever happens. I just dont see a good purchase right now.

BTW, i declare phenom IIs the best overclocking cpus in history (or at least it ties the q6600). Took a friends from 3.0 to 3.7 on mediocre cooling in 1 try.

zalman is not mediocre, and 70 c is not so great, and you cannot say its stable because you tested p95 for 7 minutes. but it is still pretty nice.

i7 on EVGA X58 LE. Easy overclock to 4 GHz with good cooling.

Also, you'll be prepared for Core i9 for X58, as well.

the core i9 looks to be epic fail. like the speed up in games isnt there at all. not only that but at what price do you think intel will market these?

They'll be out around Q4 2010.

It's a six-core processor with 12 threads, 32nm., ON X58 PLATFORM! That's crazy!

But Nvidia is going to kill both AMD AND Intel, with their (Nvidia) new piece of technology -Â GT300 and later on.

Even though games becomes more and more CPU based, rather than GPU, Intel got my thumbs-up for Core i9.

Prices; Thinking of the same release prices as Core i7. $300-350 for the Core i9 "920" sound reasonable.


games are becoming more GPU based then cpu

If it matters, the GT300 also does CPU tasks. Imagining having a PoS CPU but a super epic GT300 that does everything. It's going to be the shit.

Nope, CPU. Mostly because of heavy Havoc tasks, but also AI-control, and specially multiplaying games.

But of course, the eyecandy will smoke the GPU as well.

i disagree, there are physics exellerated for the gpu, and i saw a 20 fps increase in crysis when i went from 8800gts to gtx 260, i saw a 5 fps increase from an amd 4400+ 2.3 ghz dual core to a phenom 9950 2.6 ghz quad.