what will happen if i mine bitcoin with my pc
I mean really my main worry is that Bitcoin's profitability relative to current hardware is expected to drop tremendously, mainly because of all the new users, the already-high cost of running bitcoin hashes, as well as all the people who are going to be running ASIC machines.
Though at the rate of 2-5 bitcoins a year, you might be fine.
Mining bitcoins with a PC is all but useless now. The difficulty is way too high.
Also, Butterfly labs has been "Claiming" To have their crap ASICs for over a year and a half now. Maybe longer. And there have been (I think) 5 shipped out. As well as thousands and thousands of back orders, with the first pre orders waiting in line for over a year.
Is the price worth the 5GH/s? No.
Will they deliver your ASIC within the next year? No. They have to ship to the first set of preorders first.
Is bitcoin mining really worth using a PC or a cheap ASIC? No.
Do get any profit from it at all, you will have to invest $30k or even more, and with the NSA and Government sticking their heads in it *Dawns Tinfoil hat* Bitcoin may not even be around that long.
So I should not buy it?
No, no you should not. :P
I had a similar decision. Went with a 7950. Never looked back.
Do 7950's push about 5GH?
No. They are for games. Bitcoin mining is useless.
Phantoms got the right idea. Unless you started way early in the bitcoin mining game, you will earn nothing these days. That and any company that ahs a back order list over a year long needs to be avoided at all costs.
If you really want something that you can watch as it progresses, look into a 3d printer. There are some models floating around right now for around $400. And you also get to create some cool things with it, even if you dont know how to model in 3d, there are all sorts of things that people have made that you can downlaod and print. If I didnt need to buy a new car right now, thats exactly what I would be buying.
._. I know 7950's are for games/etc. Well, I mean you can mine with A GPU. I was just asking if they push out 5GH.
Eh, That is a good idea. The thing is that I have to keep buying the stuff to make stuff. But, that is a really good idea.
not even close
Go to bitstamp.net and make an account there. It lets you trade without verification. Take that $300 and look at the graph and buy when the price is low. When it raises in price sell it. Repeat and you will make a lot more money than you would from mining.
Don't waste 300 dollars on Bitcoin. Thats a little extreme. He would be better off with a GPU.
It's not wasting. The price of bitcoin changes all the time. It might be $100 today and $60 tomorrow, so buying it low and waiting a few weeks for the price to level out makes a lot more money than GPU mining ever will at a small scale.
EDIT: Nice PC BTW. It must look sick with the lights. I had only one 7950 mining for a wile before I bought the second and I know you get about $1.50 a day. If he plays around a little with buying/selling BTC for a profit he can get some cash to add a new GPU and still have money left over to do what he pleases.
Thanks, lol.
I wasnt talking about for mining, though, I was just talking about for general use. The price of bitcoin has been stable at around 80-90 dollars recently. It diped down to 69 for a day or so, but then went back up. been stable for about a week or so.
True, but still if he buys $300 worth of BTC at $80 per BTC and sells them when it goes back $90, he makes $37.50, which is about 2 1/2 weeks for me to make minibg with 2 7950s. If he needs a new GPU to play games then sure go ahead, but if he is only looking to mine, he will have a tough time making big profits.