So Windows will do the same thing that Android does? the heresy.
I think this is already enabled and mandatory on Windows 10 Cloud Edition.
It is Heresy . Actually. Stop using the Google defense :)
I'll stop when it's not relevant.
Holy crap the world is going to stop, cause MS is implementing a security feature.. Hold the phones. Everybody run, they are going to take away my rights to install apps.
Sounds like there being more open than Android. Off/warning by default.
No big deal, call me when they remove win32 application support. Maybe this thread needs a clickbait tag.
Whats actually wrong with this?
They are paranoid cause they think as soon as it's implemented all their apps will be uninstalled. Which it won't.
MS cannot do that. At least in Europe it would violate competition laws. What MS can do is create a walled garden ecosystem like MAC OS does. You can still install applications outside the app store but you need to go through hoops (more involved process, setting configurations and so on) to do it that most average users will not do and limit themselves to what MS offers only. And when Win 10 already installs application to your OS without even asking the user (there should be a law against that btw) you can bet it will make it as hard as it legally can for you to use to anything outside UWP.
Of course the reason Apple can get away with it is because of the ¨garden¨ part. You need to at least have the Os always working as intended. Apple accomplish it by limiting the hardware options. There is not enough capital in the world to make the same this with an OS that is supposed the be universal. Which mean that MS will probably have to focus on its own hardware more. This does stick well with the goal of making money out of hardware.
None ever said that. I am not using any of @Zoltan ´s argument methods here to get a dialog going. So stop assuming elements about people´s opinion that are not true. DO we really have to have an asterisk saying BTW google sucks as well every time we criticize MS and vica-versa?
It not really that. Security Is pointless if you teach the next generation of children to click yes, ok, allow when installing software and nothing changes.
There going to lock it down. Not next week but in years.
I was responding to Freaksmacker cause he always flips out over dumb things like this, and second my point was what was actually wrong with implementing this security feature?
@Marten actually answered the last part. I personally have an issue with ¨walled gardens¨ in general. I considered them unsafe by design and do not really do any service to the user collective knowledge of technology that would actually allow them to have better security habits.
PS if you are replying to a specific person do not use ¨they¨ then. This implies generalization.
Standard MS hate/fear mongering as far as I can tell that is so common on this forum
Put on the click bait tag pls
It's not really a walled garden if you are capable of installing software that is available to your preferred platform.
This feature is not going to stop you from installing, chrome, Firefox or any of the hundreds of games you own.
So you do not consider the Apple environment as a ¨walled garden¨ either? You can install outside the app store on MAC OS as well, albeit with more hassle.
Stropping you would be illegal. This will not happen. It does not make it better though.
No. Apple's environment is a walled garden because you can only use Mac OSX on their preferred hardware.
Apple cannot stop you from installing sofware.
I totally agree. However.
The masses of the planet dont care, just want the want internet. Add to that the IoT nightmare that is looming. How long till government locks down the internet connected devices ?
I enjoy knowing my tech and locking it down. Im a nerd. But for every one of me there are 1000 humans who dont and 100,000 IoT to come that dont.
Software giants are ready to pounce on the consumer markets to lock people in. Microsoft is just hopeless at it.
If you read the article it says this option is OFF BY DEFAULT. This isn't making a walled garden or locking anyone out involuntarily. What it does do, is help protect the computer illiterate, like our parents/grandparents. Or children before they understand how their computer works. All I see here is MS giving more control to protect systems from uninformed/uneducated users.
I think that that is exactly where MS is shooting for. The hardware market.
What does MS future aims in the hardware market have to do with this feature?
ehh no, there's a reason we have hundreds of OEMS who make All-in-ones. not everyone wants to pay for Microsoft's preferred hardware. which is why we have options like Dell, HP, ASUS and so on. Microsoft is not going to stop OEMs from selling Windows based computers. cause that is how MS makes money..
Also this.
I think a feuture like that would have its pro´s and con´s.