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***UPDATE 3/22/2015
IM A JACKARSE... I forgot to include a link to gnome look... Here you Go everybody
Gnome Look Dot Org (CLICK ME)
@valtteri459 So as per request I will be introducing a basic method to
Theming Gnome
RELEVANT Distributions for the command line
OpenSUSE 13.2
General guide on extraction and location for themes
All distros. Its not specific because its the same on all gnome distros for themes to be found in the user directories home in the hidden folders
So the memeber who made the request actually wants to know how to install a specific theme so I will be using it as an example.
First things first no matter which distro we are on (in his case opensuse so adapt the code to your distro) we need to get our latest updates
Open the terminal (ctrl + alt + T )
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper update
After everything is done we need to get the gnome tweak tool (in some cases depending on if you built your distro yourself with all the packages you want it may be available. In the case of a standard open suse 13.2 gnome installation it wont be included normaly.
in the terminal execute these commands to get gnome tweak tool
zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:13.2/standard/openSUSE:13.2.repo
zypper refresh
zypper install gnome-tweak-tool
Now that we have that lets proceed to finding our theme we want. In the case of @valtteri459 he wants 2 specific elements. I shouldnt say theme... more like EYE CANDY
We will start with a color theme. As per request
http://www.ravefinity.com/p/download-ambiance-radiance-flat-colors.html is the color theme I will be providing the commands for.
So let us talk a little about themes.
Basically GNOME allows you to modify many different elements of its desktop.. Whether it be the shell... the login screen (GDM) or icons sounds and other lovely things.
Each will get sorted into its own location. I need to point out the icons and shell themes are the same on most distros. In fact they will be contained in hidden folders inside the users home folder
Examples : Themes go in the /home/insert your username here/.themes
SO to start out this theme he has will come in the form of a tarball for opensuse
tar -xzvf /yourcolortheme.tar.gz
Once it is fully extracted..
nautilus .
If you forget the period it wont open to your home directory which you need. Open preferences and show hidden files... Then create a new folder named .themes in your home directory if it is not already there.
go inside and in the case of this theme there are hundred of possible themes located inside.
Choose one e.g. ambience-orange .. go inside its folder and find the GTK3.0 folder... Now copy the entire contents of the gtk3.0 directory to that folder.. in a folder named after your theme and its subset. Voila we have our app settings and assets there...
I CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH>>> DO NOT USE SUDO PERMISSIONS WHEN WORKING WITH THEMES... It screws a lot of things up.. I have seen it first hand...
Now in the case of his theme he need the vibrance icon theme installed as well.
To install icons
The Rave Finity GTK icons
Alrighty Icons are wonderfully simple... Download the package... then
tar -xzvf /path to icon tarball .tar.bz2
once extracted go into the folder via the command
dolphin .
Navigate to the folder and then choose the selected top level folder in his case.. it isnt seperated into GTK3.0 and all the others .. because it is a GTK theme natively... So copy the entire vibrance color-(insert color here) folder and move it to the .icons hidden folder in your home directory.
You basically do the same thing for sounds and other eyecandy with the exception of GDM.. which is distro specific so we will not be covering it in this guide.... Hope this helps
GO TO THE GNOME TWEAK TOOL AND IN THEMES AREA.. Everything should be there.. if you select it and its corrupt.. either your download was corrupt or you missed something
I am sorry that I was not very detailed as this was meant to be generic...
I followed the steps detailed here and I can confirm all is working well in Opensuse 13.2 for this theme... If you have questions feel free to ask or PM me if you dont want it to be public.. Do not be shy.. i wont judge :D
Contribution by @Willdrick