The Witcher 3 30fps

No, it's not locked at 30 fps, but the recommended specs are for playing at 30 fps/1080p, which is just as ridiculous.

NeoGAF topic:

Is there a single fuckin' game that uses Nvidia Gameworks that works properly?

For the uninitiated, these are the recommended specs:

-Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz/AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
-Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770/AMD GPU Radeon R9 290
-OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)
-DirectX 11
-HDD Space 40 GB

Apparently, you get 30 fps/1080p with that. Maybe they'll optimize the shit out of it before it's released. May 19th is still pretty far away. And drivers should make it work better. But I'm posting this to give you a heads up so you don't end up disappointed with performance come release day.

Seems like a bit of a hog. Hopefully they'll optimize the drivers on both sides. Still though 30fps on a 290? That's pretty terrible by today's standards.

So to get 30 FPS it takes either an R9 290 or a 770? Hmm well thats odd. Considering the 290 is faster than a 780... Seems like Gameworks is here sabotaging AMD performance. 

Still though looks pretty poorly optimized all around. 

IDC tbh though. I thought the Witcher games were pretty mediocre. 

I've been refraining from saying anything about any of this for awhile now. There have been lot of threads about this 'issue' on several websites. There is a lot of false information on this issue.

Let us calmly look at the follow facts about CD Porjeckt:

  • They run a friendly gamer first drm free store for video games and movies.
  • The last 2 Witcher games ran just fine
  • They are PC gamers

Now let us look at some very important facts about the Witcher 3:

  • It isn't even out yet. We will not know how the game performs on the PC until it is released. Until then I will without judgment. I will only believe benchmarks from websites that I trust such as HardOCP, PCPER, Linus Tech Tips, Tek Syndicate, etc.
  • It's been delayed twice to make sure it will be the best game.

I personally believe that CD Projeckt is doing their best to have Witcher 3 be great. CD Projeckt hasn't done anything yet to warrant these attacks. What I think is going on is misunderstanding and miscommunication. I stand by CD Projeckt and will give them the benefit of doubt until the game is released. Once the game comes out and I can play it on my PC then I will cast judgment.

Let us calmly look at the follow facts about CD Porjeckt:

  • They tried to price gouge the Europeans and only stopped after much complaining about it.
  • They irreparably butchered the port of Saints Row 2. Not even modders with the SDK or the devs can or want to fix it.
  • They are rapidly moving away from GOGs original purpose and just making it a game store rather than about preserving old games.
  • GameWorks. Seriously?
  • The are making a GOG launcher, there is no reason for thin unless they plan in implement DRM.

The price gouge was the publisher´s fault and they ended up paying the difference themselves.

It just one game out of hundreds that play fine.

What is wrong with having a DRM-free general game store beside one only having classics?

Gameworks sucks but that is Nvidia´s fault. And the witcher games always had an affiliation with Nvidia that did not stop them from running fine (except that awful Linux port for which I blame CD projekt fully.).

Its not a Launcher. GOG galaxy is for social gaming and centralized updates/dlc service (a constant request  with GOG users). It will not be always online and will be fully optional when it comes to running a game.    

  • The price gouging was noting to do with the developers they said quite clearly in their apology it was their fault. 

Fair Price was less critical and that it could be sacrificed in some cases.

The kicker is they intend to do it again. Let the community settle down and then try pull the same stunt again and see if they notice. The full apology if you want to read it. 

  • If CD Projekt really cared they would do their job. 

except that awful Linux port for which I blame CD projekt fully

But... but... 

It just one game out of hundreds that play fine.

Yeah the one I paid for.

  • What is wrong with having a DRM-free general game store beside one only having classics?
Nothing at all, but remember that bit in the apology about core values? Yup that them getting thrown out with the bath water. If they wanted to do it right they would not include new games under the Good OLD Games banner. Just set up a separate store and keep the original GOG for people who want old games like they intended. The way they are doing it just allows them to quietly kill off the old games part of the store if they like. 
  • Gameworks.

Gameworks sucks but that is Nvidia´s fault.

Sure Nvidia created it but it entirely the developers choice to use it. And in the past having a game built toward a card was fine as they had not hit upon screwing the competition with unfair and damaging malware.

  • GOG Galaxy

Yup they stress heavily that it is optional and 100% DRM free. I have never seen a business promise one thing and then when ti becomes profitable do another. Nope never happened before. Sooner or later one of their first party games will require GOG Galaxy to get updates or play online, not DRM no just consolidating our services. Or a developer will ask for "security" and we end up with some DRM, then maybe more after the community does not get annoyed.

This is speculation but come on! Are you really that short sighted? I may not happen but the ability for abuse here is huge.


All that aside. I like what CD Projekt Red have done and will keep an eye on what they will do. I like GOG and hope to continue to like it but man this just smacks of bad things and then add in the Witcher crap and yeah it is just waiting to unfold. They are not perfect, but who is. For me they are just on the point where they could be massive assholes if they chose and money is a great persuader.


first sign of console port shenanigans and I will just get it on a console.

its sad that pc gamers arent the primary target of games companies anymore (more like an afterthought) but we just have to live with it.

"Is there a single fuckin' game that uses Nvidia Gameworks that works properly?"

Alien isolation works fine for me on both AMD and Nvidia hardware.

Except that it's not a GameWorks title.

ps4 version here I come :)

these... specs... scare me. I'm building this current pc to anihilate Witcher 3 and it's looking like it's only going to run well... maybe i'll see 40-50 fps. that's just fucking sad for what i'm putting into this build. I feel like they are ignoring optimization because dx12 is coming and it's their ticket to be lazy, ass holes.

I guess most devs nowadays have forgotten the words "Optimization". 

Has anyone considered that they built something awesome graphically that needs super high end stuff to run 60fps, but having dual 980's as the recommended is ridiculous so they made a 30fps build instead? 

if this is the case I'll deal with it but if it's because they got lazy I'm going to be pissed.

That would make sense but they are comparing a 770 to a 290. Even though they aren't in the same tier at all. That points to poor optimization.

that has to do with it being an Nvidia title :/

Ehh. It is practically to be expected that at some point CD projekt will start favoring consoles. I most likely will be waiting this game out until it has gotten a few patches and AMD has a driver update out.

guys. the way they are building the games for the next gen consoles and porting can't be simply fixed with optimization.

you NEED bare metal api's, under dx11... and even with high end intel the most they can squeze out on min frames is roughly 15 frames more (observation based upon quite a few current ports).