The Uber-Gestapo

Pirate taxi-service Uber has a problem: their CEO has been very explicit about his plans to hire people to dig up dirt on journalists, in order to get in a position to influence the bias of journalists.

He didn't just suggest it, he was being very precise and adamant about this mechanism.

It's all over the press right now, but in my opinion, it's not all over the press enough... so journalists/press are being directly threatened by this pirate boss, and they don't even care to react with all of their might?

Has it come so far that there are no journalists left at all?

What do you guys think about the gestapo-tendencies of the Uber CEO, and the pretty lame reaction to it by journalists?

I am not saying I don't believe you, companies have done crazier things. But do you have a source?


it was fully corroborated, it really happened lol...  I didnt actually read it but to me this tactic is older than dirt. Should not come as a surprise to anyone. :)

at least they aren't like starbucks, and teaming up with monsanto to sue vermont

the ceo even wants to replace the human  drivers with robots as soon as possible.