The truth of pumps?

i was wondering, seeing in the variable speed pumps, that if i change the config from high to low it makes no difference, then would using a small pump res combo preform as good as i bought a separate pump?

the truth is, i want a to water cool 780ti and 4770k in hardon hydro, but i don't like the aluminum fins in the water cool kit, no seriously, last time i use it, it broke,

even if it a jinx, just leave me be, i feel better with copper, so the problem is that i need to find a res & pump, but i need it to stay coolest, cuz i need it to go renders that goes for 8-12 hours, with max overclock, so yup, can't skimp out on the cooling.

so does the (liters per hour) flow rate change any temperatures?

and which ones do you recommend?


wait, if i cool it efficiently, does overclocking still makes the card age faster? ( i meant does it age the silicone transistors quicker even if i cool it efficiently)

This video will tell you why increasing flow speed doesn't mean increased cooling. 

 Also your hardware still produces the same heat output if you were to go air vs water. Cooling only increases the heat transfer from your components to the air outside of your case.

yeah, i know. saw that vid before, but i was really thinking on the premisis:

lower temperature = less denaturing of the ionic structure of silicons, so... would it be better for the health of the silicons?

and wouldn't increasing the amount of water passing through displace more heat and make it closer to the ambient tempreature

the thing is, your radiator will still be trying to bring to water to ambient temps at the same rate no matter the flow rate of the water going through it. only thing that would increase this is the amount of air you push through your rad

+1 ☺