The tek syndicate Eyefinitey Club

This is the (un)official thread for those who have an eyefinity setup. 'Tis a good club, we have black jack, and hookers, as well as much better productivity than those silly 1440p monitor guys.

O M G  brilliant move

<repost from >

Samsung Syncmaster LEDLCD SA450 24" ==> 1920x1200 (screw your letterbox reso's)

A crappy Philips 220AW LCD 22 inch (Not even LED) ==> max 1650x1080 reso

Another crappy Acer X223WDbd (Not even LED) ==> max 1920x1080 reso

Together capable of delivering a 5040x1050 eyefinity setup. The middle screen ofc being the Samsung, with decent colors and backlight, the 2 sidepanels are nog good for directly looking at, Sloppy backlighting, and inaccurate colors (relative to the samsung panel). The perfect sidepanels, yes sir.

Love what you did with the blackjacks and hookers. This is definetly the better club.

Three monitors are better than one, I'm running three Dell Ultrasharp 23in ips panels at 6006x1080(bezel correction)

I have three moitors, one samsung SyncMaster 940B and, two 943B's. They are of a 1280x1024 resolution each for a total of 3840x1024.

I bought them from a local businessman who recently shut down one of his offices for a total of £30 for all three, they were barely used and there is not a single dead pixel. I actually spent more on on a mdp to vga active adapter to run these in eyefinity than I did buying the monitors themselves.

wwhat if I were to say I had eyefinity 1440p? (not that I do)

I would say that due to bezel correction you are not truly using a 1440p monitor and are welcome to join


LOL,. sorry, but i'ma single-monitor gamer

Why not give eyefinity a try? If you find that you enjoy it, you'l have access to our Black jack and hookers. We also have cookies

One-time offer right there my friend.

'cause you can't eyefinity with one monitor,a nd it doesn't work well with 2.... my 2nd isn't coming for a while,a nd my 3rd not till after my fall break, when I should have the cash. besides, i'm going with 2x 1080, and 1x 1440 korean

Yeah, I got my three monitors over a time-span of 6 years. I never intended to go eyefinity with them. I am not that rich :)

If you go 1x1440 and 2x1080 thats fine, just remember all 3 monitors will have to be 1080p then, so the sharpness will be 'lost' on your korean friend.

I also have my samsungpanel running a 1680x1080 instead of 1920x1200. I do however notice no annoyance of it at all.

Politics? This is a GPU forum topic.

Blackjack and hookers man. There's bound to be some politics in here.

Eh, screw the whole thing.

It's in politics for a good reason


Who moved it?


So wait. I could recall that this thread was initially named something similar as the "< 2560x1440 club". And now it's been altered and in a wrong section? I'm a bit confused here. What are we meant to have?

all of u r rocking eyefinity while i sit here with 1 1080p monitor and gtx 780sli......