hey was watching the live inbox.exe just earlier (28/01 AUS)
and i threw a comment in on the chat about having you guys come out to Australia for a live -The Tek- style, show.
it may sound weird, or it may sound awesome. depends on how you look at things.
but the idea sounds good to me. have it hosted live by logan, wendel, quain, pistol and/or anyone else as a guest or how ever it would work best with the least hassle. you can cover specific topics and depending on the city(s) its held in you can really hand pick some topics that effect that city or could have a great impact on it and cover that, get a discussion going here and there. get some information from people there, who may have some little pieces of information you can't really find easily online. im sure there are better ways to frame this but im not trying to sell an organized event to you guys. just putting an idea out there.
also because i had it in the chat.
#TheTekAU/NZ - some people in the chat want it to happen. target took GTA of shelves because of a minority of morons. let this minority of morons have The Tek, the live show extravaganza ! :P
Wouldn't be a bad concept, although the logistics of organising people, and recording gear wouldn't be exactly fun for the Tek Team, considering the distance involved.
Our neighbours 'across the ditch' (New Zealand) would be desiring the Tek visit their shores, too (gum boots optional travelling accessory lol)
Spankks being from the 'Land of the Long White Cloud' may have a bias to hosting the Tek in New Zealand, which is not a bad idea either.