Get some epic gear and shirts:
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Get some epic gear and shirts:
The Tek's Back :)
'Teleportation' might be a reality now after those tests which transported a particle of light 6 kilometers (I can see the military grabbing this for exclusive utilisation)
The Chinese have picked-up the ball quicker in initiating 'VR Cafes', and this concept is likely to be a profitable enterprise, too (while the West gently sleeps lol)
Outstanding episode that was both informative and entertaining. Thanks @Logan for the laughs as this world needs more. Oh and yes thank goodness we had a Mr. Beard this week that had a beard even if it was fake. : ) Very interesting news on those water bear proteins. They are definitely something I want to read more about. As for the teleport tech that is very interesting especially to someone who watched the newer Star Trek shows all those years. I remember them fondly although I want to put Wesley Crusher in a blender. As for eh what China is doing with VR it would be nice if the world would just share tech like that and let people enjoy things but no we got to sell things ... all about $$$$$. Gosh forbid arcades ever return to NA. It would be nice. Now as for faster internet and terabit networking eh with the state of how things are moving with internet in Canada I can't get excited about faster internet stories. Sorry :( Oh and last but not least MS curing cancer. Eh many believe there are many things out there that are already able to be cured but drug companies block it and I am a believer in that. It is all about $$$$ in this world. I still remember my dad telling me about how at his work they designed and had tested an everlasting tire but would it see the light of day in this world? No.
Great show .... Mr. Beard was better this week ... and yes that VR idea you guys had needs to become a real thing.
Awesome show!
... and that's why I use iPhone. Not Telegram specifically, but the whole app
permission nightmare on Android. Heck if I want facebook to know my location
24/7 and be able to read the texts on my phone, etc. That Zuckerberg guy is
shifty as F**K. On iPhone you can manually give or deny individual permissions
(location, contacts, calendar, etc.) on a per app basis. -- Sure Apple has a
whole ton of other things wrong with them, and no matter which phone you get,
you have to trust the manufacturer of the OS, but only google shares your info
with app developers willy nilly.
You know how they say "just a spoon full of sugar makes the medicin go
down"? Basically I was just fed up with being fed a spoon full of poop with
every app install.
If I can't have privacy it isn't convenience.
Also I really think they should make legally binding guidelines for what it
means to "anonymize" information, because if you know everything there is
about a person and you leave out fields such as name and address, but leave in
everything else, that sh*t isn't anonymous! eg. if you know where someone is
24/7, but you don't know their address, probably their address is where they
spend most nights. Find their name in a phone book, googling the address or
simply send someone round to look at the mailbox.
Framing people or committing identity theft is annoyingly simple in this day and age.
The best way to handle the massively complex data mining eco systems available today is to not use them at all. Only use what you need.
This definitely has been the best Tek since the firing of @DeusQain and the departure of @wendell. Though I miss @wendell to go all in depth and nerdy for anything that is brought up, this one was interesting and has a good feel of the old Tek.
As much as I like AgentBeard/CokedUpCanary he is pretty much another @logan on the show for engagement, or for breaking things down if I'm making sense. Again I like AgentBeard, I subscribe to his youtube and like his vids, he just is not a very good "replacement" to what @wendell brought to the show, education and credibility. I think AgentBeard may be able to do some of that, hes a pretty smart guy imo.
@Logan keep wearing that blazer man, you really act different having it on (not kidding it's like night and day). You got the feel of the old Tek back, I would love to see information and education return to The Tek, the in depth stuff the real nerdy talk.
That was actually a good episode. Good job Logan & Beard.
Thanks for the content @Logan. Stick with it man I'm sure you will eventually get past automatic thumbs down ratio on YouTube. I enjoyed The Tek 0249 keep the content coming!
Privacy > Convenience
Agent beard > Agent no beard > Agent fake beard
I don't think agent beardless adds anything he's just sorta there...
I think he'd be better off playing the role of Rooster rather than Wendall 2.0. Trying to replace Wendall will be rejected. If it's intended to mock Wendall's absence, well that will be bury him. Add to that the HAL 9000 "Don't Dave...." reference was also a Wendall rehash. And the puns. He was throwing them out as a guest on Joker's podcast and they bombed just as bad as they did here. Some of Wendall's were bad, but in an endearing way. The puns Rooster and Logan shared were bad, embarrassingly bad, forced way. If the next show has Rooster shown from the eyes up, that would devolve from being lame, to just sad.
My advice for them would be to allow video rapport to develop naturally rather than trying to recreate the rapport Logan had with Wendall.
I don't think the west really cares for VR. At least not yet. Maybe in ~5 years. The west where the money is.
ya... my first thought was "Is that a jab at wendell"
if you need a list of devices you control for laptops it's any pc that's not dell,hp or lenovo for smartphones its any device on the cyanogenmod site.
What permissions nightmare for android are you even talking about? If you just root your phone and flash an aosp rom without google apps (yes, you can have android without google apps) you can install microg, an open-source FOSS alternative that allows you to run apps that are from the play store. Install an open-source superuser and enrypt your phone and you're good to go. For privacy, app ops comes with almost every custom ROM, and using the xprivacy xposed module gives you full control over what an app can even do on your phone. No backdoors from closed-sourced software like iPhones so you're guaranteed privacy.
Using an aosp rom without google apps makes me no less in need of trusting the operating system developers, half of which still work for google, even if there are no google branded apps included.
Also, I have yet to see google even try to pretend to value user privacy. I mean, just look at chromium. Chromium is full of google snooping technology (predictive searching, predictive DNS lookups, google account synchronization, etc.) even though it is opensourced. If Ubuntu phones were available in my country I would probably get one of those. As it is, I trust the fruit company far more than google, because Apple has demonstrated on numerous occations that while they may care about my data in certain instances, they will at the very least not sell it to others. The buck stops with them.
If you value convenience over privacy you are a sheeptard and your priorities are fucked up. Note: If this triggers some SJW I don't give a shit.
Where is this copied and pasted from? The formatting is off and it looks pretty suspicious.
Also, Android has had individual permissions for apps for at least a year now with the same (or perhaps a greater) level of control than iOS.