The Tek 0237: Dick Cheney's Mech Suit & Intel Xeon E5 VS i7 | Tek Syndicate

A spoiler would be something like the asian woman was actually a robot.

So thats how that tag works!~

I just want to prevent someone from being angry.

Yeah well I just gave away an actual spoiler before I figured out how the spoiler tag worked so... Meh.

Oh well. Project server is down because of reasons. What were we talking about?
Just had the best conversation ever:
IT-Guy: Have you just tried to pull the project files?
Me: Yeah?!
IT-Guy: Via the printer service?
Me: No. Just as always. Edit, import project, select the file and click ok.
IT-Guy: Then the switch just died. Give me a second.
Me: So we now have internet via 100Mbit/s and the 40GB/s net is dead?
IT-Guy (a little confused): You know there are two networks?
Me: I understand maths to a degree were I can count cables that look the same but go to different ports.
IT-Guy (nodes an leaves).

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3 things:
1. I want the Games for Windows Live shirt
2. I still want the home automation kit
3. Cant wait to see the fake hard drive video
Thanks guys,


And I want it now as I am at my workplace and have nothing to do because our IT just semi-died.

PS: I am so glad I have a usb-drive with my how to web stuff

Don't even know but lol.

Joanne Tek (Syndicate) Lover, aye.

Can't wait to watch the vids on the new CPUs. I have an i7-4770K and every new generation makes me feel like I got my money's worth.

Good one as usual guys, Love the mp3 file as well. lets me listen to the tek on the way to work.

I love the mouse. If you do make a new one with a couple changes I would get one for work. As long as the sensor is as good as the 3310.

The sniper button is ok. I've used it in Premiere to scrub through video, but I would be fine if it wasn't there.

Keep it driverless, please. That's as awesome perk. :)



What this guy said plus I think a softer cable would be awesome.

+1 for refreshing the mice stock. I totally need a new one >.<

Ahhh, 3 years facebook free, and damn glad for it.

I put making a Facebook account on my list of mistakes, but at the time I made one, I had no idea Facebook was going to be entrenched into society, I thought it would be a fad that dies out. How naive I was.

E=mc^2 is only for something at rest.
The equation you want is p=h/lamba
I swear we did this
plus F=ma is not really correct
its F=dp/dt

Unless you are going at more than 80% of the speed of light, it should be fine.
I think what you meant is E=m0 * γ * C^2 or the even more advanced E = m0 c^2 + 1/2 m0 c^2 form
F = m * a is deffinetly correct. Force is mass times accleration. You do not need the delta of pulse (wich can be boiled down to mass as you want to keep the system simple) or time (for the same exact reason). The first formula, I could be wrong. The second one is one of the basics of my job.

photons travel at the speed of light and have mass at the speed of light but have no rest mass. And its the change in momentum per change in time that is equal to force. that is what is written in newton's principia.
you cant use mass for a photon bc it has no rest mass which is what all of those equations work on.

Photons are energy which is why I do not even need any mass equations..

umm so what are you plugging in for mass?
bc you cant use E=mc^2 for moving objects and all youre equations have mass expect for a the frst which doesnt apply to a photon at the speed of light