The Tek 0222: VR Addiction | Tek Syndicate

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Hi guys. Just got through the part of the Tek where you are talking about that drone racing video. There are leagues all over world now and in New Zealand we had the qualifiers for the world championships just last month. The radios for control that a lot of people use for this, myself included are the FRsky Taranis (linked here). They run on the 2.4 GHZ band and are frequency hopping to help minimize cross talk. Video systems are nowadays often run of the 5.8 band to decrease antenna size, with a power of anywhere between 25mw to 1w. They are also analog which decreases latency. I have no idea how those guys managed to get that kind of range through buildings like that. Flying behind my house causes video to drop out immediately, maybe they were using a repeater of some sort. Some of the really good guys are starting to fly pretty fast (video link) at 30s in the video in the middle of the screen is what gets sent back to the goggles for flying and the main video is just recorded on the machine, probably a gopro or something. Flight times of racing quads like these are just long enough for one race probably 3 or 4 minutes. If you want to start flying definitely build your own machine, and definitely have auto stabilization of. Also these things are dangerous (another video) so don't go around giving the hobby a bad name by endangering people, with the advent of "easy to fly" drones this is becoming all too common. Peace out and have a good day.

More cool links (BMS Web) (rctestflight) (Also Planes are a thing)

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Just to add. That drone racing video just got me to drop over $1000 on this. I'd love to see more of that content.

I now have a micro drone to learn how to fly, a 6 channel transmitter, and have ordered all the parts to build my own FAST FPV drone. I doubt I'll take the FPV thing and use it within the next two months because flying without stability control is MUCH harder than those guys make it look, but yeah, I'm TOTALLY down for drone stuff.

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@Logan & @DeusQain - finally, lurking about in the woods where ye belong!

They would most likely need to arrange a mesh topography of APs that are all GBe wired back to access switches which are in turn wired back to distribution switches using multiple paths and some well thought out STP to ensure the lowest latency and most redundant connectivity. You would otherwise be at the mercy of Occlusion, Doppler, & Scatter effects.

Competitive drone racing has been a big thing in an 'underground' (more of a non-mainstream) thin g in NZ & Australia for a few years:

Oh and lol @ WinX, who's your PCs daddy, huh? M$, that's who. Poor WinX users, ads shoved down your throat.

I would LOVE a sword art online VR mmo. If they made it like the show, where it's sort of like Diablo 3 hardcore: if you die, your character is dead forever. This would be really neat because there's different levels / a progression. Sounds like a ton of fun, trying to get to the max level with your friends, without dying.


@Wendell I don't think O Foruna - Carmina Burana by Carl Orff will last for 65 pages of reading, but there's always auto-repeat & wouldn't it make an awesome soundtrack lol :D

Just wondering, & I don't wanna say too much out loud, but do you consider:

(nuffin to see 'ere, move along now...)

jailbroken iDevs a possible attack vector for the FBI, given that there's no chance of key repeats from Apple Root CAs that could could be used as an exploit but potentially the cypher key space could be reduced by using attacking devices that have already compromised cert signing requirements using bootstrap exploited etc et al...

A guy at my work was caught using Tor on his work pc and being a tor node ON HIS WORK PC.

Weirdest thing, the only exit nodes he ever used were Ukraine and Karkhov... wtf XD

+3,000 XP for including Blemmyae in the Zweihänder game @Logan that's so cool, I haven't seen any kind of reference to them for a long, long time.

More mythical creatures? Please?

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hello barbie lets go party

plz god re-edit this video.

The VR discussion reminded me of this:

that looks interesting... Was it good?

For me yeah...I think it was brilliant. But it is a bit avant gadre cinema so it is a bit subjective...If you have seen ¨Waltz with Bashir¨ then you should definitely watch that as well as the same people are involved ...

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That was excellent, so was Persepolis, but different story by different crew...

Hello @TekSyndicate,
I am available to help with planning your move. I was an architectural/structural engineer in NYC for more than a decade. If it were me and I found a new space, I would put the floor plan into a scaled (3000x2400 @ 300 dpi -10"x8" on paper= 60'-0"x48' plan : 12"=50 pixels) Pshop document. And then cut & paste some google images office planning clip art to see how your needs will fit the space. Digital ColorForms.

Then print your plans and bring it to a local architect to help you finish. I used to love saying "Make the engineered viewing portal right there...Hell, just give me the sledgehammer." Have Fun!

for example


The drone vid was cool. Woo! A shootout to EverCrack. YEAH! I haven't played that in 5ever. Addicted to V.R.? If handheld tiger games and Gameboy could do it, VR will DESTROY and I assume it's already swallowed up some people. The already happening selfie-deaths are going to have some stiff competition when people start doing this crap in public.

This was a public service announcement brought to you by the good people at Hot Pockets.

As requested Mr. Kane


I would definitely enjoy watching some Tek Drunk Demo. You should "vlog" the office demo and construction.

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I Logan'd to youtube today, only to find the new tek waiting to be watched

@Logan @DeusQain

I already commented in the video but I'll say it here as well, I'd enjoy that demolition vlog :)

Regarding @wendell's question that "does single 2TB SD in capacity equal all of the 3.5" 1.44MB floppy disks ever manufactured?"
Well, 2TB SD > a little less than 1½ million 1.44MB floppy disks. So no.

Sony, as one of the last 3.5" floppy disk manufacturers, sold "more than" 12 million of those in...2009. Yes, 2009. (Edit: I tried looking for something official from Sony website, didn't find anything. Maybe I'll ask Sony...)

(12'000'000*1.44MB)/1024/1024 = 16.48TB. of 2016, we don't have a single hard drive capable of storing the same amount of data as those 12 million floppy disks stored.
The largest I'm aware of is WD's helium filled Ha10 10TB right?
Samsung's 16TB SSD would almost fit the data of those floppy disks, I'm too lazy to go and calculate the formatted capacities..

The 1.44MB floppy disk started shipping in 1986. They (Sony) stopped all production in March 2011.
Quarter century worth of floppy disks manufactured. I'm not sure if I even dare to venture a guess for the total amount?
500 million? (500'000'000*1.44)/1024/1024/1024 = 0.67 petabytes or 686TB.
That's probably in the rough ballpark. Might be way off but shouldn't be that far off after all.

Fun, useless facts:

  • 12 million floppy disks would weigh 240 tons. Or ~43 african elephants (min/max 7000kg/4000kg 34/60)
  • If you stacked 12 million floppy disks all on top of each other, the tower of floppy disks would be 39.6 kilometers tall, in other words it would reach the upper stratosphere. Commercial airlines cruise in, idk, somwhere around 10km?
  • If you lined them next to each other (longest side), you could have four lanes of them between Seattle and Portland, 1124km vs ~278km. Yey, floppy highway!
  • The volume of 12 million floppy disks equal 333.9 cubic meters. Or ~700'000 American pints (16 fl.oz) of beer.
    In comparison, an olympic swimming pool is 2500 cubic meters.