The Tek 0208: Black Friday Live Episode | Tek Syndicate


This week we are doing it live! Piracy, judges being crazy, new hardware, Li-Fi, outer space, the usual.

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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So @Wendell did barnacules just have really bad luck with his 40" 4k Korean displays? Or is that kind of normal for it to happen like that?

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At around 20:00 (talking about Win10 Threshold update resetting stuff). I just updated my Win10 laptop today and it is still resetting things. All my default apps reset to Microsoft defaults, and my telemetry service was turned back on.

I might have gotten the old ISO though; it has been bugging me to update for the last few days. Either way, that's my experience. Someone else could have had it work as advertised.

US Department of State backs Tor because they back dissidents and pro-Democracy activists abroad. It is too bad other agencies forgot how important such people are back at home.

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If you need a loan for 50k I have had good results with BTCjam. Of course this is after I did a few nonsense loans to build reputation. ill throw in a bit if you are bold enough to do a BTC denominated loan.

the antipode of Ohio is the in the Indian Ocean, yes I have committed this fact to memory..

The thing with Dr. Tyson's comment was a bit misunderstood by Wendell. What Dr. Tyson means by "pushing a frontier" is similar to basic research. A project of similar implications to breaking new grounds in space is the LHC. Is there zero private sector involvement? Of course not. Much of that construction is contracted and private money must be involved somewhere, but the leading force isn't private. The leading force is public and multinational.

On the space front, the US made it to the moon with massive private involvement. However, it was the United States as a nation who was the thrust behind it. Even SpaceX right now isn't really breaking any new frontiers; they're still going where we've been before, but doing it better. Going to Mars is basically doing with NASA, and if NASA, the EU, India, and others wasn't doing it, SpaceX would have been hard pressed to actually lead the push to making it to Mars.

So to summarize, he's saying that the private sector can never lead the frontier because there's very little money in the frontier, at least for any scale of time investors are interested in (see 1920s experimental proofs of quantum mechanics) However, if there's a national movement to push a frontier, the private sector will be a participant.

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I liked the live episode.

Regarding the games issue from the last few minutes, I think it's more business type people who start game making these days instead of people going "wouldn't it be neat if we could do "X" in a game".

That's how you get the upteenth iteration of "wouldn't it be cool if you did the same damn thing you did hundreds of times, AGAIN ?" Because the answer to that is 'no'.

Novelty of graphics has run it's course for me, I don't think I really want to upgrade my current setup. Especially because I have run into cases like witcher and mass effect one being more fun to me and running better than their sequels.

I think you got it wrong about Sweden. The court ruled that the ISP don't have to stop EVERYTHING on internet that is illegal. There was no discussion about single homepages, that still means that the ISP can be forced to stop traffic to a Homepage. But it has to be a ruling of the court for every single homepage.

Although I agree with you, I must admit that graphics updates do matter. I really enjoyed Mass Effect 3 as my first game in the series, but the poor graphics of earlier games prevented me from really enjoying them. I would say the same for Witcher 1 after Witcher 2. Furthermore, I really enjoy graphics refreshes.

Graphics do matter. What upsets me is how developers such as Blizzard can accomplish so much with so litter resources (Diablo, Starcraft), while the other big companies require monstrous resources for a game to run barely better than a console. I am loving the current StarCraft II LOTV, and it runs flawlessly, but it does remind me of how poorly the Assassin's Creed in Paris ran a year ago with my EVGA GTX 970 Super-clocked (came free with the card). The artwork was so beautiful, and I wanted to enjoy it but it simply would not run.

I think good graphics matter, and I am willing to pay for them (I buy books of game art and such as well), but the game still must work. That said, at 1080p I will not need to upgrade for a long time. The problem is not whether the executives are MBA's or engineers (we are often both), but whether they are engaging in real strategy (making games people want to buy), or faking it and taking whatever easy route one can without doing any true market analysis.

Cutting corners and me-too games should not exist, and it only does because people continue otp buy bad games. We need to stop buying their crap and only spend our money on the good stuff. Nothing forces change like dollars.

I am new (first post ) been lurking for a few weeks , wish I found this years ago.
I didn't understand the bent shadows comment in regard to moon mission controversy.
PS; so many great shows

Logan is right at 52:30. The moon is kind of like Eastern North Dakota. It is indeed an inhospitable place. That is why we have nothing but drinks and good company. We also have our gaming rigs!

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People tend to forget that if you go straight through the earth from the US, you will end up in the southern hemisphere.

I agree. Tysons view is business's can do the things we have done already in a cost effective way for anyone to purchase and use including NASA. What NASA should focus on is not going back to the moon again but more new frontiers in science like going to the gas giants moons and looking for life and learning more about our solar system.

When NASA wants to go to the moon they will just use spaceX like everyone else.

Just get this and nuke all of that microsoft garbage.

Mad Max confirmed?


The rave you cant see, the rave that brings the data to you and me.

ROFL, had me cackling man, well done.

It was an allusion to various conspiracy theories which typically claim the moon landing in 1969 was faked; probably some nonsense about the shadows not being correct for the sun's position and therefor "proving" it was a fake studio light (or altered photographs or whatever other excuses people can dream up). Wikipedia probably has a list of such conspiracies if you want better information.

I've seen most of the evidence and find it unshakable , unless new evidence has surfaced that I missed .
Bent light had me confused. The problem is shadows in the picture are running at angles that indicate a vary close light source ( large angle change between objects 10 to 20 ft. apart with a light source
say 40 ft. ) you will see a large angle change in the shadows . On the other hand if the light is millions of miles away the angle change is almost in precipitable .
myth busters did a show on this . They used a 4 X 8 sheet plywood with light at end of sheet and objects at different places on sheet. result large angle change and myth busted .I would say myth created .
they were being interviewed not long after that show and were asked about that show and his voice got very nevus , they didn't push him further.

when Logan says its some place "inhospitable like North Dakota" and I am just sitting here in my dorm in North Dakota looking out the window at the half an inch of snow thinking "well he isn't wrong".