The Tek 0202: Beware the Dyson Spear | Tek Syndicate

Sorry for being late, had to sleep.
Here's the timetable with article links to respective times:

@Logan I need my 8-bit metal.

man, i truly do like amd (heck I like all tech companies) but they are doomed

i keep on hoping that they have a rabbit to pull out of their hat but I dont think that is possible

its a vicious cycle of circling the drain because no one is buying amd (not counting consoles).

on the plus side... no one will really notice the price gouging when its a one horse race.

Maybe there is a LEGO giveaway. Or maybe they just use the patreon money to buy all the LEGO ! The LEGO conspiracy !

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it took me three high school algebra and two college level algebra courses for me to realize the way I was doing the equations from the the beginning was the same as my mathematician (doctorate and published in many journals) Professor was I was being ridiculed by the instructors because I saw another way the answers were correct but the formula was different and therefore wrong, hoping the programming instructor do not pigeon hole their students.

1 Like AMD is now reduced to 15% of it's original size? That's cruel.
I smell Intel monopoly creeping in.

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@Logan Huge props for doing a summary before starting the tek. Makes the tek not only feel more organized, but also gives us a preview of what you wanna talk about.

Keep doing that.

Goes back to watching the tek


Yeah Intel is muscling them out because it's so obvious when AMD can't keep up with the standards.

Someone needs to give a billion dollars to that company.

@logan and @wendell

I do industrial automation for a living and can say even though we use less human operators (25% less) but se still have people at facilities. When it comes down to it if something goes wrong on a programmable logic controller you have to debug many lines ladder logic. If a person screws up you just yell at them.

The nature of work is changing. Blue collar guys now are in a monitoring/admin and light trouble shooting role. If they can't fix it field service techs come out. Life in thr industrial world have become much a safer and more environmentally friendly.

A huge plus one for your criticism of our education system. Having a more pragmatic approach with applied concepts would encourge more critical thinking.

Dyson sphere? You mean one of those balls in those fancy vacuums?

Just wanna say good job on this week's tek guy's.

Shared it, and got people talking about linux.

Good to see things on the upswing.

To Wendell, I like your mention of the fact that people need to have ownership over their own computers in order for them to work in their interests. I think the parallel could be made to other tools that society relies on as well (i.e. the means of production), if we can't control those tools then they can be used against our interests.

Yes the Lego conspiracy continues!!!

So I just went to the store and found out I can buy anything because I don't have any of the payment options like creditcards... No shirts for me I guess :(

great tek otherwise ;)

I didn’t realize you guys post this in audio form now. I just made a forum topic with torrents to all the episodes in aac...

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@biolinguist interesting read thx ;-)
To be honest i never heard of "Noam Chomsky"..
when i youtubed his name i came across this vid..And thought "he has a good point" but thankfully there are people like you out there ;-)

Here the short bit about his thoughts on most of the education out there..

+1 for suggesting Noam Chomsky. His field is not technology nevertheless it would be amazing to have him on the TEK.

Geforce Experience to be mandatory eh?? How about they FIX the BUG and actually make it (and Shadow Play) install properly on ALL machines. No version of Geforce Experience has worked for me in years, and Nvidia says "it is a known issue and they are working on it".

Inviting someone about development sounds good..
But i'm just a simple Unix/Linux admin..scripting is as far as i go when talking about development ..And of course that's not development.. So to be real interesting for me. It would have to be a "what and how to best start if you want to learn development" preferably on Linux or OSX (i know i know osx equals bad)... Centos will do..
i'm also curios to so Centos running on nice rig rocking something like "i7-5930" with multiple vm's running on KVM.. And perhaps do something with an nvidia graphics card..And see if it runs on a vm hahah.... Would be nice to see the state of Centos on relatively powerful hardware instead of cheap old stuff laying around.. It's like people always use old hardware when they install Linux on it..