The Tek 0186: Arbitrary Apple Asshattery | Tek Syndicate

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2 days 1 hour ago

Shameless self advertising inserted here:...

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2 days 20 hours ago

I really appreciate this wonderful post that you...

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3 days 7 hours ago

Welcome to the community...... one of us, one of...

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3 days 10 hours ago

lol, this posting brings back memories....

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Wow. That was pretty hypocritical of Apple to do that, but at the same time IT IS A LOGO. GET OVER IT. Google has made Android open source, but yet a good portion of the software they provide is proprietary.

But yeah. Epic fail on Apples part.

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Why is this not up on Youtube?! Why can I not watch The Tek?!

hurry up youtube! I NEED MY FIX D:


What's the deal with YouTube? It says it's "processing the video" (The Tek 0186) . Did someone violate some kind of (bogus) copyright? Or did the idiotic DMCA cops give our hosts a take down notice (for telling the truth)?

... I've always said, Google is evil.


Seriously, I got a fever, and the cure is more of The Tek.


just takes a while for youtube to process the video once they upload it, its a pain lol

It is currently 5:36 PM HST and the video is still processing. The struggle is real

The monkeys are on fire again.. Come on goofle get your shit together. you can create AIs that ponder philosophy but you can't transcode an h.264 video...


The quickest way to get the tek D:


I don't think there is something quite as good as Cortana, Google Now, or Siri, but Sirius seems like it may be worth mentioning.
I came across it but I currently don't have access to my computer to try it out, my laptop will not be happy about it; I thought someone might be interested.

@wendell sirius might be something to look into even if you're going to make your own, it has voice and image processing for its QA system which may be useful.

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@Logan 3m command strips. use them to put up foam panels.

If we are going to shame to confederate flag because they happen to use slavery we should also look at the things that the US has done including the trail of tears, Japanese Americans in concentration camps, civilians killed in the middle east, Vietnam War Crimes, highest prison population in the world, etc. lol.

Plus wtf they are distributing Mein Kampf?

Enjoying the new Tek studio background.


I like the filter Wendell is using. Looks like it has a silvery tint.

I posted this on the youtube comments, but I just joined the forums, so I'll post a better version here. I'm not into VR, that footage from EVE looks awesome, but the hololens looks way cooler to me. if it was more minimalist, that commercial would have been perfect to me. I would love to be able to look around and see my RSS feed, reddit, voat, twitter, and forums I frequent in little boxes all over the house, like windows that let you peer out into the internet over having a more immersive gaming experience. I get the appeal of feeling like you're really in a game, but the example of a keyboard that interacted with a screen projected in a pair of sunglasses is way less cool to me than having your phone project your alerts, or feedly projecting my RSS feed out into my field of vision. Thoughts?

Wendell's comment at 55:53' makes a lot of sense: "mine space for resources instead of killing people in the Middle-East" (the fallacy of the military industrial-complex)

I have Charter here in south Louisiana. I pay for like 50/5. Ookla shows 45/3. Steam downloads and other downloads show 7.5 down.

It's $30/m

Actually the studio looks very nice now @Logan ;-)