The Tek 0184: When Robots Learn To Think | Tek Syndicate

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Gaming Headsets Suck - Make Your Own For $50 or Less

3 days 4 hours ago

Hi, i just post about this,the pinout of the...

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How Is This Build?

3 days 4 hours ago

Like nregner said. You should consider getting a...

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Gaming Headsets Suck - Make Your Own For $50 or Less

3 days 4 hours ago

hi all,, Anyone bought the EarPods (MAC), i have...

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15% Off Steam Wallet Cards Just Before Summer Sale

3 days 7 hours ago

Thanks, but that's not it. I think it's...

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15% Off Steam Wallet Cards Just Before Summer Sale

3 days 7 hours ago

Steam cards not available in Canada :(

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15% Off Steam Wallet Cards Just Before Summer Sale

3 days 7 hours ago

I believe its a steam wallet code. Open steam...

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15% Off Steam Wallet Cards Just Before Summer Sale

3 days 10 hours ago

This might sound like a dumb question, but how...

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Keyboard & Mouse stopped working after driver update

3 days 11 hours ago

might wana check your usb settings in yoru bios

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Yes. Tek for breakfast tomorrow. Awesome.


I'm sure a good number of people learned of Esperanto from

And from the last time I heard it is it similar to spanish/portuguese?

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"We are all British Colombians" is kinda our motto. lol


Honestly these days I think people/governments/corporations should stop worrying about trying to control people and spend all that time, effort and cash on teaching people to use common sense, logic and responsible application of free will. If I want to view something that is considered 'bad' then that should be up to me and me alone. As long as the education system that was provided to me as a citizen of wherever I am provided me with sufficient education to make a rational and informed decision on what and what not to access, then that should be where any form of external interference ends. If you dont want me to be able to buy illegal drugs online, or view child porn, then instead of blocking access to said sites, then apply your resources and legal powers to prosecuting those parties responsible for producing and distributing said materials. I should still have the free will to choose what I want to do, and accept the consequences that are entailed.
(In no way do I support the use and or access of/to illegal drugs or child porn, these were just examples)

Man, now I want a solid gold bath tub.

the ending was a bit abru[MESSAGE END]

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Nice episode guys. Glad to see you all made it back safely.

RE: forum free speech/censorship, I greatly err on the side of free speech, but I do recognize and understand the problem that trolls can have on the nature of discussions within a forum and can greatly degrade a community, so a balance must be found, and I think it should be left to communities themselves to find those balances based on consensus, rather than administrators or moderators who have the power to arbitrarily punish being for being trolls merely because they disagree with them politically, psychologically, or religiously.

That said, I think the community here is excellent. It's probably the best online community I've ever been a part of. The 5% you speak of seems pretty invisible to me, but then again there are a lot of forums I don't read, and fuck, maybe I am part of that 5% and just don't know it! ad;lkfjald;fkjas;ldkfjal;sdkfjad;lfkjdslfkj

I'm curious about some things regarding China. Did you see any worker conditions? If so, how were they? Did you see any widespread poverty? Did you notice much pollution? What were the tech product markets like where you got game controllers and what not? Were there barriers to entry for people wishing to sell items there, or was it as we would say in America, a free market? It would be interesting if free markets exist like that in China whereas in America, cops shut down children's lemonade stands because the children don't have fucking permits.

Can we file a patent on filing patents and then suing patent violations?

rip ending

Wendell used the term 'vulcanisation' of the internet, it's more like a sterilisation of the internet by countries intent on 'internet censorship'. It certainly reminds me of a little bloke from Austria who approved book burning around 80-years ago, and thought he could rein-in 'free thought'.

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nobody found the chrome screen cutoff annoying?

Wendell's lag, screen cut-off, abrupt ending where Logan cut himself out... meh. It's still The Tek. I gloss over the miniature issues and enjoy the content.

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I think you're referring to the "Balkanization" of the internet, much how the Balkans are split under separate authorities.


@Logan 2052 ( though i had to look it up :P ) Heres the order.

20XX – Fallen Angel
2027 – Icarus Effect
2027 – The Fall
2027 – Human Revolution
2027 – Human Revolution (comics)
2029 – Mankind Divided
2052 – Deus Ex
2072 – Invisible War

Haven't been on the site for a while. Can anyone tell me what Logan is talking about, all the vitriol and hate going on in the forum? I don't see it now, did something happen? Or was it just a troll infestation?

Great Tek fellas, but what was up with the OBS layout?

Just on the subject of Computex-2015, it's great to see the differing perspectives in coverage on this tech-event. The Tek Syndicate covering certain aspects, and Paul's Hardware reporting on other interesting aspects, too (and both providing excellent coverage)

Paul's Hardware looked at the type of 'Meet the Makers' event at Computex, with Lisa also testing games designed on the fly by Dave Cooper (great stuff)

Dave Cooper's game-design work-station at Computex-2015 pictured below.

As Wendell stated in this video: 'it's a time to be alive', especially to experience the various stages of tech-development.

On free speech. I think its mis-interpreted like how people mis-interpreted free software. Maybe a better word/phrase is needed.

Theres a line between expressing your views and deliberately trying to harm people, and its difficult to define. People misuse free speech to target and hurt others, thats not free speech thats just hate speech.

Free speech comes with responsibility, it requires thought.

On the internet, I always say there is no free speech, you are bound by the rules set by the site you are on, and there's nothing wrong with that. Id say more, but there so many paths to follow on this topic, maybe it deserves its own forum topic.

Trolls, people being idiots, people not willing to have adult discussions (i.e. im right your wrong lalalalala).

But I agree, most people are great here. The community is great, just has some poor quality to it every now and then.

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A little, I would have preferred to view the window how Logan has set it in previous videos.

I care about the cat toy patent.