The Tek 0179: Beginning of the End? | Tek Syndicate

If the new amd cpus really are 40% better ipc, 8 core, 16 thread, and 14nm for dat overclocking. Man that will be awesome and I will get one and buy one and overclock as much as I can and love it.

Secret Wars?

Hey @Logan i would love some information about Linux music players. Thank you in advance!

I would LOVE to see more space/science related videos. DO IT!

I would really like to see a section that didn't run all the time, but fans' projects that they create to encourage people to do more cool things. Oh and more space/science parts :)

Before Logan interrupted him, what was Wendell gonna say at 2:00 ? "He's definitely a..." what? Wendell never got to complete that thought even though Logan said "Go ahead".

He was talking about me. He thinks he knows, but he doesn't. He just thinks. There's no evidence.

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You never seen this?

plus, my username.

Nope just read about it. Did see your username. Thought you were referring to it somehow. Didn't get the joke. Anyway Wendell was talking about ESR. What do you think he intended to say?

Don't worry too much about talking about privacy / surveillance state issues. That's one of the things I like about Tek Syndicate. As an example, Linus recently did a Fast As Possible video about the internet of things, incl. smart homes, and in the section where he cites drawbacks and issues, there was not a single word about the MASSIVE privacy issues.

The way I see it privacy issues created by technology are inseparable from the topic of technology and thus always relevant to discuss on a tech show.

I'm just going to leave this here.

Can you guys do some research on Li-Fi technology because it might solve internet speed problems in the United States and kill corporate entity's like Comcast.

Logan, I feel sorry for you. You always are complaining about your internet in Seattle, I live in the middle of nowhere Orondo Wa., I have 100 mbps symmetrical and I don't have to deal with comcast at&t or any of those pain-in-the-butt companies. OH, and no Bandwidth Caps