The Tek 0178: Future Internet Models | Paid Steam Workshop Mods | Tek Syndicate


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Why cant t-rex clap his hands?

Sigh, it amazes me that California hasn't done more with desalinization. But like you said Logan, we care more about a few fishes than the entire state becoming a dustbowl. Our priorities don't make a whole lot of sense.

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Wrong. Cause hes dead.

I ain't paying a dime for mods, not a god damned DIME, if it means payment is forced on me.
I'd donate gladly, i'd want to have a freedom of choice, i'd want the freedom of choice to donate to favorite modders of favorite mods that fix the shit that the dev failed at for whatever reason without having the money go to the dev too for a modder having to fix their fuckup. I do donate in fact, or at least i used to up till now.
But, being forced to pay for mods? No. Nope. I can live without Elder Scrolls if this is the conclusion, and the same goes for any other game that uses such a system as leverage to be dumbed down in favor of a modding community constructing the essence of it as a cheap labor force.
The precedents this creates make the negatives of this outweigh the positives a hundred fold.

I guess this means we will be seeing a new popular category on various torrent sites.

Getting into a whole new realm of ethics with programming embryos. I can imagine the anti-abortion people getting very angry and confused.

The only way I can see paying for mods feasible is if you are able to freely demo the mod itself.

I think Steam have a 24 hour grace period where you can get a full refund, no question.

True, didn't think that'd apply to mods but makes sense that any transaction would.
"you can easily get a refund of that mod within 24 hours of your purchase."

Let's not move the thread about this to here! haha

We'll leave it at that lol

The refund policy is gonna change over time, i bet the ESA is already lobbying because the paid modding becoming more and more of a constricting leash goes in favor of setting up copyright craziness precedents through it, even towards their latest feud with EFF over abandonware that included the focus on comparing modding and hacking and playing with drawn lines.
I need more time to think about this and i'm sleepy as crap now.

I'm kinda surprised that the Comcast merger's demise was not elaborated on further . You've probably spent HOURS hating on this topic in the past during numerous shows. Then, when it dies, you're like "whatever."


Is this just about whining? Is it not really significant when evil things DON'T happen? How about a little more time devoted to some sunshine?

I want to eat a baby though!

MIT turning salt water in to fresh water, I hope that goes well.

Those gta mods... I need to get it now.

On the paying for mods thing... :Not directed at any one person mostly the internet as a whole :
No one is forcing you to buy the mods that are for pay, and no one is forcing modders to charge for mods. Heck this is NOT new, WHY are people acting like this is new? Tf2, dota2, and cs:go have had this exact same system in place for a while. But hey why would the internet be rational and realize that? Act like the sky is falling without proof and when the same sky not falling thing has been going on for a while. And even beyond that, gary's mod, apature tag, and black mesa are or will be for pay. People wont just stop putting out free mods, its just some will be for pay only and you can choose not to use them. There is a 24 hour if it doesn't work you can get your money back? Isn't there? I could have sworn I read that. There are things that need to be worked out/fixed, and if not this needs to die, but I'm not of the mind that just having the option to charge for a mod is bad. People used to say that youtubers shouldn't get money but look now people make careers out of it, twitch same thing people make jobs out of it and only a few jerks thing you shouldn't be able to, maybe this will lead to some modders getting jobs as modders. This has potential to be good and potential to be bad. I need to see more evidence of what this really is/will do before I can say if its over all good or over all bad.

Logan please really read the arguments in favor of is really hard to hate on.
Giving Facebook and Wikipedia for free can't be a bad thing. I wish you guys revisit the subject I feel you didn't treat it as it deserves.

You know you can message anyone in the world with facebook, make parnertships, meet people, learn about health, technology, languages? and Wikipedia? If someone was in the street 50 years ago giving away copies of the British Encyclopedia will you hate on him because he is not giving every other book in the world? There is just so much you can do for free. There are people that never have been online. is easier for us to hate on this but those people deserve a voice and they don't have a 1 dolar ISP or even know what an ISP is or why they should dispose 1 cent on that. The alternative of killing is stupid(at the moment) .

I don't think Wikipedia gives money to Facebook neither the health services that are available there.(they don't have any)

I understand the hate on Facebook on other subjects but this sounds too biased.

Welcome to Michigan!

"do you not see how this technology can be used to suppress the citizenry and undermine our education system and slowly destroy our democracy by taking over media and brainwashing...argh...."- wendell
gasp! we have one that can see! white male. short, brown hair with a cow lick and a beard, glasses, much sang-froid.

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I'd argue that Facebook are only doing this as a way to expand their income. They've probably chosen to only let people access a selected number of websites because, in doing so, they make a net profit out of it. They've calculated that, by only allowing that amount of access, they can make more money from collecting data about you and targeting ads than they'll lose from maintaining the infrastructure. They're a company. In the end, everything they do is going to be dictated by monetary gain.

On the other hand, access to Wikipedia can allow many more people to get educated in subjects that they wouldn't otherwise have the means to learn about.

Personally, I think it's a great idea. But there are people who, quite rightly, don't trust Facebook.

You're surprising non-paranoid for you username, lol

I'm paranoid but I'm just don't see it here haha.
I know I'm going to take a beating by being on Facebook side. Whether Facebook makes money on this is not saying if this is good or bad (also they are not Zuckerberg was asked by his investors why he was spending so much money on this because it seems that is not some mine gold as people seem to think(You can check that the stock plumbed after that answer).

The point of my comment is that this should be treated as if it wasn't Facebook given the importance it has. I've been following the subject so I feel there was some misinformation in the way they presented it(not mentioning wikipedia, jobs and health services that the app has) and not mentioning it's mostly used by people that go into the internet for the first time and will have an educated decision if it's worth paying "the full internet"

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Hey guys,so this is my thoughts on the whole modding thing. Modders deserve to get paid just like anyone else creating content. People should pay for entertainment whether it be watching a film, TV show, YouTube series, video game or listening to music. Someone put their time and effort into creating it and in my view should be rewarded by the people wanting to consume that content.

I get that there are quality assurance issues with mods but is that not the same with full release games, movies, TV shows and the like? Mortal Kombat X was released broken along with many other PC games. Some games like Watchdogs and Alien isolation flat out lie in their trailers as to the quality of graphics and so on. I can go to the movies and watch a film where they blew the entire budget on an actor not leaving any for the story of cinematography. You are still expected to pay for it.

The example Logan gave in the TEK was that modding is almost a gateway to a "proper" job within the industry. Now that is how it has been in the past but we now live in a new age. People are getting paid to make videos at home (YouTube) and no longer need to use it as a stepping stone into traditional TV or film media. People now get to work on their own projects and content without being told what to make by a boss or corporation. The creator is free to be creative and the people get to decide with their time or money if they want to support that creator or not.

I do see a few negatives but possibly not in the way that others do.The main issue I have is that Valve is wanting to take 75% of the earnings from the mods they are selling in the marketplace....this seems to be the most overlooked aspect of the discussion. Valve didn't make the game (not counting the ones they did clearly), Valve didn't make the mod, so what gives them the right to take the vast majority of the money for themselves?

It's just strange YouTubers seem to have an issue with this as it is very similar to the position they are in themselves. What if you could get a free mod but it came with advertising and if you wanted to get rid of it you had to pay? I think that would work. I think Valve is trying to do the right thing by the modders but haven't managed to implement it that well as of yet. It seems rushed and not that well thought out but I can see that in a year or so we will all be wondering what all the fuss is about.