The Tek 0176: What's in that Coffee? | Tek Syndicate

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Build: X99 SLI Gaming PC | Be Irresponsible

1 hour 47 min ago

Someone had tried to install the evga classified...

<img src='/uploads/default/20924/8bb5d1c385c29185.png'>

Grand Theft Auto V 25% Off as PC Pre-load Goes Live

11 hours 4 min ago

Is it Steam DRM?

<img src='/uploads/default/20925/1c30be6485b39cc1.jpg'>

Grand Theft Auto V 25% Off as PC Pre-load Goes Live

11 hours 17 min ago

Received the 22% off voucher from GMG for GTAV....

<img src='/uploads/default/18291/ba541a7b224b1f11.png'>

Windows 10: It's Actually Not Terrible

17 hours 49 min ago

9841 wasn't terrible, but 10041 is. project...

<img src='/uploads/default/20926/429a8f5b741c418e.jpg'>

Grand Theft Auto V 25% Off as PC Pre-load Goes Live

1 day 4 hours ago

MK10 flash deal is $45. You get goro and mk...

<img src='/uploads/default/20927/f6e85270ace9552a.jpg'>

Grand Theft Auto V 25% Off as PC Pre-load Goes Live

1 day 14 hours ago

Dang, you're right. They killed it a day early....

<img src='/uploads/default/20928/a11f52315595cb6e.png'>

Mayflower Electronics CMOY Portable AMP - Win One! (We Inspired This Product)

1 day 15 hours ago

Well, yes and no. What you linked is the desktop...

<img src='/uploads/default/20929/c033eb8244eaa5eb.gif'>

Grand Theft Auto V 25% Off as PC Pre-load Goes Live

1 day 18 hours ago

The gta 5 coupon doesn't work anymore.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The puns are REAL

On the topic of videos for the Tek Support users I would totally go for a RSS torrent link for the new episodes in HD. I'm so sick of youtube's shitty buffering system and my awful internet.


I don't see a point to a dedicated download server unless you want to stop using youtube, Not when I can just click the 'download' link under the video to download, the video as an mp3 or otherwise.

Murder of cattle
That's the new limited shirt

50:20 Flatlander Woman?

To clarify, Samuel Clemens, Mark Twain, had a home in Hartford, CT.

yeah it is late, 1:07am actually.

I have posted the timetable in the comments.

In reference to the GoGo inflight Internet nonsense, is (sadly) not a live site, is actually the website for a web designer/web developer who actually has some half decent stuff, lol.

Now you have made me paranoid about Southwest's inflight Internet (they have something separate from GoGo). I will have to check to see if they are spoofing or blocking anything the next time I fly with them. Last I checked, they didn't, but I wasn't looking too hard.

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RE: Rant 30 this week


As a Canadian, all of this spying on American citizens was a real "WTF is going on down there?" moment. From the outside (of America) looking in, Americans have always been proud and loud about their freedoms. The day Americans actually voted away a piece of their constitution was a real horrific moment, since I would never have believed Americans would ever have done that. The future became completely unpredictable after that.

I can't believe that some people in the US still think that this whole situation is OK. To put it another way: the 9/11 attacks were targeted at America's economy, but never in a million years would the terrorists have dreamed how vast their victory would be; having managed to deal a blow to the all mighty American Constitution itself.


Where did it all go wrong? I believe the answer is that capitalism is a failing system. The need for specific labour has allowed the undermining of the American Education system, resulting in a population who don't have the skills to really understand the implications of what is going on. It has also completely undermined the freedom of press part of the constitution by re prioritizing journalism from informing the people to a mechanism for profit (regardless if it is providing society with fact or fiction). Further, it has undermined the democratic political system.

Capitalism has failed, and it is held that Communism has failed, so what economic system/reform do we need to support modern society? I think this is the big question underlying a vast majority of problems.

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What does the Mayflower headphone amp do for $330??? Why not buy a whole AV receiver for that price (or less)?

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You are brillent.

Idea for if you do a "Logan the Centaur" shirt - have him wearing the beard, beer, metal, pants shirt. Fitting no?

13:30 "No one cares about foreign surveillance ..." well, I do since I'm German...

At 38 minutes in @Logan was quoting captions from the BBC and questioned why they were understated.

You see, the BBC themselves have no advertisements. Thus no need to please corporations that advertise on their site.

They are "passionately committed to impartiality", as is required by their Editorial Guidelines:

Trust is the foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest. We are committed to achieving the highest standards of due accuracy and impartiality and strive to avoid knowingly and materially misleading our audiences.

The BBC is independent of outside interests and arrangements that could undermine our editorial integrity. Our audiences should be confident that our decisions are not influenced by outside interests, political or commercial pressures, or any personal interests.

Hence why they can't be sensationalist - as that would be knowingly misleading their audience.

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The problem with that is that it's an unofficial extension, not encouraged by Youtube themselves.

Added to that you'd get a low quality streaming version, rather than the (probably) high bit-rate video that you'd get from a download server.

yeahh the state owned bbc does not do propaganda nothing at all

No news provider is perfect and no news provider can be free from the bias of it's journalists.

Interestingly enough however, they actually report on people thinking their biased:

The choice you have to make is unreliable Fox News/CNN/whatever (the private scaremongers) or the 'propaganda' BBC/RT/Al Jazeera (the non-corporate broadcasters).

i like how oliver does the backhand argument, by reframing it. i don't think people have all of a sudden become ignorant and complicit in that ignorance, they have always been that way. worse, they know how to herd together with subjectivity as the binding force, this leads to poisonous group think. a full frontal logical argument is not going to fly in their face. they will state their opinion as fact. you have to sneak knowledge into those that resist it. let them perceive they have come to the truthful way of seeing things by themselves. perhaps then you can plant a modern logical meme to combat old backward ways of thinking. start small and go large to build a fire.