The small linux problem thread


I have tried everything I can find... I can't seem to kill stop my screen saver! (black screen and monitor turns off soon after)

Debian(Cinamon) + Awesome

Have you tried using xset?

Make sure you have x11-xserver-utils installed. This allows you to use xset. In your ~/.xinitrc file you want to add

xset s off         # don't activate screensaver
xset -dpms         # disable DPMS (Energy Star) features.
xset s noblank     # don't blank the video device

This is what helped me disable my screen saver on my Debian w/ i3 installation.

I've tried xset left, right, upsidedown, and sideways....

oh, I haven't tried the energy star features! thx, I'll report back how it goes.

Ubuntu 15.10 is installed on SSD. Larger files (games, music, ect) are kept on HDD.
After restarting, programs that are installed on SSD (steam, clementine, ect) forget the location and I'm forced to re add. Any suggestions?

If you have your base folder on the ssd then delete it and make the hdd the only available option.

Thanks, definitely worth a shot. Steam had a base folder on the SSD which I deleted. Unfortunately after restarting my computer it still forgets the location of the apps folder on the HDD.

Clementine also does the same, it's always only had one base folder on the HDD.

It's not a huge problem to re-select these folders - just inconvenient.

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didn't work :(

Does amdgpu work on a 370? My distro of choice still has catalyst somehow and it is because the devs would rather have that instead of amdgpu. I'm scared to install it only because I have no idea if it will work. I am tired of broken drivers and I just want my system to work and function. Somehow catalyst is still working ok but it won't forever and thats what I am afraid of.

When I choose the open sauce driver I get no tty, no gui, no anything. Part of me wonders if the gpu drivers just didn't purge correctly but I'm gettingf right pissed off now.

Edit: Bump?

what distro exactly?

Arch. Manjaro technically, even more exact the distro itself is called netrunner but really all netrunner adds in is a highly customized and cleaned up version of KDE and packaging of software you would normally want in the first place. I call it the ubuntu for archers.

I use Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 LTS and have a backlit keyboard. Each time I fire up my computer, I have to enter the following command in the terminal to turn the backlighting on after I log in:

xset led 3

I was wondering how I could have it come on automatically when the splash/login screen appears.

You could edit the crontab with crontab -e and make it start @reboot or make a script that is called at reboot. Make sure to insert #!/bin/bash at the beginning of the script and chmod it to 755 to make it executable.

Alt+F2, then in the box type


there you should be able to add a command to run every time you login

I had the same issue with my 390. The issue was the driver not initializing correctly with the DRM version it needed.

First of all, make sure linux-firmware is up to date.

Edit etc/mkinitcpio.conf - append 'amdgpu' to the variable MODULES.

After that, you need to run sudo mkinitcpio -p linux46 or whatever kernel you're running (the name is in the etc/mkinitcpio.d/ directory).

Double check and make sure amdgpu is not blacklisted in etc/modprobe.d/.

I don't think my GPU is officially supported yet so I think I'll wait :}

Technically, mine isn't either, as the 390 architecture is older than Tonga. It's whatever

I'm also scared to try as when I try the radeon driver I just get a black screen and all of the nothingness. In ubuntu I can't even get anything past radeonsi. AMD needs to hurry the fuck up.

Well I followed your stuff and I am at a black screen. I can drop to tty thoug; I figured out how. Maybe with nomodeset?

Edit: IT SAID SOMETHING. I couldn't read the error but with nomodeset the init recognised the driver was there. Time for more science.

This is what I get on output:

[drm:amdgpu_init [amdgpu]] ERROR VGACON disable amdgpu kernel nomodesetting

Then I get a _ blinking in the cor er and black and I can drop to tty. Someone help! What should I do!!!