The small linux problem thread

Forgot to copy a line lol :facepalm: yes, but I’ll see if that was really the cause

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My guess is selinux was blocking you because you weren’t in the systemd-journal group. Why it worked when you specifically invoked the log instead of using -1 is probably attributable to sloppiness between the selinux policy and systemd.

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Well this is getting weirder…

After changing back the config file and rebooting:

[tarulia@localhost]~% sestatus    
SELinux status:                 enabled
SELinuxfs mount:                /sys/fs/selinux
SELinux root directory:         /etc/selinux
Loaded policy name:             targeted
Current mode:                   enforcing
Mode from config file:          enforcing
Policy MLS status:              enabled
Policy deny_unknown status:     allowed
Memory protection checking:     actual (secure)
Max kernel policy version:      33
[tarulia@localhost]~% getenforce      
[tarulia@localhost]~% groups
tarulia wheel mock
[tarulia@localhost]~% journalctl -b -1
-- Logs begin at Fri 2021-09-10 11:24:43 CEST, end at Fri 2021-10-22 19:58:46 CEST. --

I mean… OK :thinking:

Could it be because the previous boot was an unclean shutdown? But then I don’t know why -2, -3 wouldn’t work either (tried those, same error).

Because I still cannot access that specific boot with the shortcut:

 -3 9be1730cc0e648538f4bbd2915caafcd Thu 2021-10-07 00:39:54 CEST—Fri 2021-10-22 18:37:50 CEST
 -2 13c8197e805e4b7a9ab35aab19298039 Fri 2021-10-22 18:38:22 CEST—Fri 2021-10-22 19:51:04 CEST
 -1 22d1a727fe624a268406900dbd052f5b Fri 2021-10-22 19:51:38 CEST—Fri 2021-10-22 19:56:22 CEST
  0 14c6581b01464fe1acd552a9cbc38734 Fri 2021-10-22 19:56:54 CEST—Fri 2021-10-22 19:59:30 CEST
[tarulia@localhost]~% journalctl -b -3       
Data from the specified boot (-3) is not available: No data available

Actually… could it be a Kernel update breaks the shortcuts going back? Cause there was a Kernel update before I had to reboot, so -2 and onwards is the new Kernel while -3 is the old one.

Can you post ls -lZ /var/log/journal


[tarulia@localhost]~% ls -lZ /var/log/journal
total 32
drwxr-sr-x+ 2 root systemd-journal system_u:object_r:var_log_t:s0 24576 Oct 22 19:59 45a1b5f2623c470f8974756d48b6e068

By the way when I checked that directory on your first reply, it had the same sub-directory and that one had the .journal files

Does journalctl -b 9be1730cc0e648538f4bbd2915caafcd still work?

You might have just found a bug, idk. You should still add your user to adm and systemd-journal in any case if you haven’t already. Poking around in a Fedora34 VM I have on this machine, I can’t recreate the problem (I don’t have Fedora33 handy atm).


Missed copying those lines, but yep!

[tarulia@localhost]~% journalctl -b 9be1730cc0e648538f4bbd2915caafcd
-- Logs begin at Fri 2021-09-10 11:26:12 CEST, end at Fri 2021-10-22 20:02:37 CEST. --

I’ll just chalk it up to the Kernel update, maybe that confuses the counter or something.
Possibly the combination of Kernel update with the unclean shutdown because it couldn’t “move” the counter/logs/whatever properly on shutdown?

Not that big a deal anyway since it’s still possible through the ID.

But thanks at least for confirming I’m not crazy to think this would be the correct command :smiley:

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The output you pasted shows that again you are not in the groups. I guess either you need to be in the according groups or need to run sudo journalctl -b -1!

It was on purpose because I didn’t want to change more then one variable at a time (i.e. changing both SEL and groups at the same time wouldn’t have told me which of both made it work in the end).
But further down the road (i.e. thread), seems none of both were at fault (see previous post).

I can still add the groups though for the future.

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We went through all of that. I think the groups aren’t having the usual impact because he’s in wheel.


Morning all

I have 2 identical 4Tb drives and if formatted as NTFS I end up with about 100Gb more usable space over ext4. From what I can gather online it looks like space is reserved for root access only.

I don’t really mind that there is a usable space difference between the 2 files systems, but 100Gb seems like a lot.

Bearing in mind that I’m still quite new to linux, my questions:
Does it have to be 5%?
How do I format the drive to ext4 without losing so much space?
Or is this just the way it is and I just have to accept the loss?

EDIT: These drives are just storage. Nothing special or fancy… dead simple storage drives.

EDIT2: So I found the thread below and set my reserve to zero. I actually gained 200Gb. The drives are not actually in use yet so I can still change things. Is this OK for dumb storage?

If the drives are just being used for storage and will not contain the OS at all, then it’s fine to free the reserved space.


Awesome. Thank you

Does anyone know what for a client there is on Linux to read newsgroups? I am not even entirely sure what this is, but one of my universities courses uses newsgroups and mentioned that e.g. Thunderbird has support for reading and correctly displaying them. I have another mail client already and do not fancy installing Thunderbird just for that purpose.

Unless they are talking about Usenet newsgroups, which Thunderbird supports, I think that could be RSS. If it’s the former, I don’t know, look for a NNTP software on Linux. If it’s the later, if you fancy terminals, I like newsboat, but otherwise, there is GNOME Feeds, Akregator, Raven, Feedreader, NewsFlash and lightrss.

If it is indeed usenet, then here’s a list:

GNU Emacs can read that (lol), GNOME Evolution and Claws Mail.

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I just need a sanity check, and perhaps suggestions on a better solution. I intended to encrypt the drive when I installed Linux on a new laptop but failed to. I’ve set up quite a lot on there since then and would like to encrypt the drive and restore what’s currently on there with minimal headache. I figured the easiest way to do this would be to use timeshift, add my home directory to the backup, set the target to an external USB drive, and then after wiping and re-installing, restore from the USB drive using timeshift. Thoughts?

I don’t know about that one, however, I have encrypted drives previously by cloning a disk (or imaging it and mounting with -o loop option), formatting the original disk, partitioning the drive (/boot 1GB, /boot/efi 512MB, everything else on the last partition), using LUKS to encrypt it (the third partition), using LVM in LUKS for separate root, home and swap partitions, formatting, mounting the new partitions and volumes, copying files from root, home and boot to their specific directories, then mounting sys, proc and dev in a target mount drive, chrooting into it, running a grub-update, exit, unmount and reboot into the original disk.

Might seem a little weird, but it’s nothing complicated. You can just rsync everything on / except dev, sys, proc, mnt, media and a few other folders to another server or to a ext4 formatted external drive (to maintain the file permissions, which is important).

If you need a tutorial, I can do one.

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tar ball?

I ended up taking a chance and just using timeshift. When I attempted to restore, I got a segfault. Wasn’t too surprised. rsynced my /home and /etc directory from the timeshift backup and manually installed the software I needed. Accidentally broke my /etc/fstab due to different UUID on the boot drive, but that was easy enough to fix.

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Mouse back and front buttons don’t work in Steam (Manjaro) and the Steam notifications sit on top of the taskbar.