So I actually have three small problems. Most are more annoyances than actual problems. I'll just do the first one for now.
MPV and Fedora 25 are not playing nice. I am almost positive it is because of Wayland. When I open a video the window has no "decoration," no close buttons or borders. The only way to close the window is to go to System Monitor and end the process. I've done some research, and it seems to be a known problem, but the all the solutions seems to be "wait until MPV gets updated to work with Wayland correctly." Anyone have a quick and dirty fix? If I start MPV from the command line with a specific option (--vo=opengl-hq:backend=x11egl) it works correctly, but that's inconvenient.
Fin't do u+x just do +x and run the .run in your terminal of choice. It will unpack and plop the folder i. your current directory where you unpacked the run file. Then open it and look for ts3.x86-64 and run it.
I would burn mpv through qt5 and force it to render through that rather than through the renderer in wayland. Generally we linuxers will all say just wait though :/
Exactly the same thing. Did sudo chmod +x . / Opened ts3client_linux_amd64 Same thing. I tried it with 32bit too, but that still didn't work. Weird because when I installed it Mint, it was straight forward.
The feature you're talking about is called auto-scrolling you can turn it on in the Firefox preferences (not sure about Opera). if you want it to be system wide check out this post on stack exchange. You may also want to check the repo's for whatever distro you're running.
I would like to encrypt my home folder and make it unencrypt it on login. I am using Manjaro, how would I go by doing this? I found some stuff about encfs but I don't see /home encrypting explained.
I hope this thread is the right place to ask, but I've got an Acer Predator 17 that has a proprietary UEFI BIOS implementation that really doesn't like the grub bootloader. No matter what I do, it acts as if the bootloader isn't even there and just boots straight to windows 10. I have secure boot disabled and run my own locked down version of windows 10 pro (no OEM licensing crap). The only thing that fixes it I know of is to disable uefi and boot using legacy, but I can't dual boot to windows 10 because its on uefi. Plus I wanna try to avoid legacy anyways.
Would it be possible to manually put the grub bootloader in a place where the uefi bios would read it? I'm planning on installing fedora if that makes a difference.
Any help is greatly appreciated :)
Edit: I'm running the latest bios from Acer. I'm installing using Rufus on windows 10 with DD mode on my adata flash drive
Ok I have just gone back to manjaro but I had a thought: is the DE fucking my mouse.
Indeed, MATE hates my mouse. I don't know why but it does and manjaro deepin doesn't. Yay! Netrunner however is donezo 3:
Anyways, installed, updated, removed the drivers, now hen I do lspci -v it says that I am using amdgpu!!! Is there a way to be definite? I know it SAYS that but I can't trust it 1000% because I have never gotten the fucker to WORK.
Wait I just noticed it says kernel driver in use: radeon. But AMDGPU is the other option. Uhhhh, wat do.
Go for AMDGPU if you have everything in place (LLVM latest version, GCN 1.0 requires kernel 4.9 activated beforehand, GCN 1.1 and up require kernel 4.8 activated beforehand).
You can check what you're on by running glxinfo, that will tell you in detail what is used for what rendering technology.
Running Fedora 25. Just started using Linux at lunchtime today. Everything is basically good, except I'm experiencing some weird behavior with screen brightness and keyboard backlight controls. I'll adjust the screen brightness (say I drop it down 5 notches), then after about 15-20 seconds it will drop another 3 or 4 notches, unprovoked by me. A lot of the time this turns the backlight entirely off. This can happen with brightening or dimming of either the screen of keyboard backlights. Laptop is an Asus UX21A Zenbook Prime. What should I check to start diagnosing this, or is it something simple I'm missing?