The small linux problem thread

Using a dev kernel is not recommended unless you’re willing to risk instability.

It’s definitely something you can do, but don’t expect a stable system.

absolutely do not use it if you’re on BTRFS.


I know it’s not recommended, but I’d really like to try if Wendell has the time to help. I’ll wait for his reply then.

He’s busy in SF right now.

A good jumping off point:

Just checkout kernel sources from git.



For anyone trying to do the same, simply follow the instructions on this page : using all the default options when building. I then needed to uninstall the AMDGPU drivers that I’d previously installed and the screen works normally after rebooting.
There are still some glitches and performance doesn’t seem to be very good, I’ll be testing with an ungine benchmark soon. I’ll probably do it again with an ubuntu 19.10 install as phoronix did, should work better.

So to recap, from a fresh ubuntu install :

  1. Build new kernel from git and install
  2. Add Oibaf PPA and update/upgrade
  3. Reboot and select newer kernel from GRUB

Will update after benchmarking and testing with 19.10, thanks again for the help

Update : performance is similar to windows according to Unigine Valley, could not get it working on Ubuntu 19.10 following these steps but I’m satisfied with a working 18.04 install for now, anything to get windows out of my way.


Stupid question time: how to make a bootable USB key from an ISO?

Normally I use Gnome Disks to “Restore image” of an ISO onto a USB drive and that usually works with distro images, but in this case (Relax and Recover ISO) the laptop doesn’t boot from it. I tried Legacy and UEFI mode. Also, not sure if it matters but fdisk does not report a bootable flag.

I also tried sudo dd bs=4M if=[PATH_TO_ISO] of=/dev/sdb conv=fdatasync status=progress and that didn’t work either.

Unetbootin doesn’t seem to be working, in that it doesn’t even detect USB devices… I never had much success with that tool anyways.

The ISO would need to be a hybrid CD and USB image.

It’s possible that it’s not.

If DDing your image over doesn’t work, you might be SOL, since that’s exactly how I do it.



Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

  1. file [ISO] indicates ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'RELAXRECOVER' (bootable) which apparently means it’s not hybrid.

  2. isohybrid -u [ISO] makes that sucker a hybrid!!! (-u is for UEFI bootable image).

Problem solved, it now boots!

How long I’ve struggled over this trivial solution…


Happy to help!

I ran into that issue ages ago but didn’t ever find a solution to it. Thanks for posting the solution!

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You’re welcome.

This has been a recurring problem for me from long ago as well. I could never figure out why some ISOs wouldn’t boot from USB. Now I know what to look for and how to solve it, easily!

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I’ve installed via pip on my PI 3B+ but pip didnt add it to the path so how would I add it to the path so I can launch it from terminal

Find out where it got installed (try locate glances) and add the executable to preferably your user’s path.


Or, my preference, have something like PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin and make a symbolic link in ~/.local/bin or ~/bin to wherever glances is located.

cheers for the reply but I realized I was a derp and must’ve not checked if I could install it with apt so I just installed it that way

Yeah, glances is also available through repos usually, but not always up to date.

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Shit, that’s good.
Might you create a thread for posterity?

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Your wish is granted!


Thanks bud

I’m having a Bluetooth pairing problem with Fedora 29. Every time the system starts up or reboots, my Bluetooth device (a Logitech M535 mouse) has to be manually re-paired. IOW, I have to manually start blueberry (blueman won’t work for some reason), hit the pairing button on the mouse, then press the “Connect” toggle for the mouse to pair, connect and operate. Is there a correct/better way to do this, or a script I can put in my XFCE “Session and Startup” to reconnect properly? If it matters, I have a no-name USB bluetooth adapter using the “btbcm” module.

It is interesting that blueman does not work. You should be able to store the MAC of your mouse in a trusted file after pairing. I did this on my rpi ages ago for a few audio devices but, I don’t really do much with it anymore (rpi 1 B, not plus model). Again using Bluez and Blueman here.

Do you know what errors you are getting from bluman/bluez? That could be part of your issue.

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Like so many Linux driver problems, my Bluetooth issue was caused by a missing firmware file. Somehow blueberry was able to work around the problem while blueman wasn’t able to deal with it. “dmesg | grep -e blue” found the missing firmware name, and a Google search found the proper firmware file. Once in /lib/firmware/brcm, the pairing persisted across reboots.


Awesome. Thanks for adding your resolution.