The small linux problem thread

After updating if there’s changes in the kernel the proprietary drivers may break, you know it’s caused by a kernel change if everything works fine when you boot to your previous kernel from grub.

If that’s the case, uninstall the drivers - boot to your newest kernel and reinstall the drivers.

Oh, ok. That makes a ton of sense. Will do it after work or later today. Thanks a bunch!

Also, if you did not properly uninstall the proprietary drivers and ensure that mesa, kernel, and linux-firmware are up to date, you can have issues.

You may also need to blacklist the proprietary drivers.

I did yum remove driver-blabla and it returned “nothing to remove” or some such.
Thanks for pointing out the other stuff.

Any idea why a postfix server will log activity in /var/log/maillog only for traffic created by itself, but not for connections external to itself?

Weird… it seems there was an unclean shutdown. Resetting the machine resolved it.

Had a SLES12 machine unable boot today after unclean reboot - Issue was with BTRFS. Resolved it.

Can you describe the issue

Turns out that rebalancing BTRFS requires quite a bit of CPU. If you have an unclean shutdown and the machine tries to rebalance upon start up with a single CPU it can hang.

Moral of the story. Don’t use a single processor on BTRFS.


Huh interesting… The more you know

Yeah it wasn’t obvious either that wa the underlying problem, either. It seems like SLES might roll with BTRFS as default FS.

If it’s not going to be serious server I’ll just roll CentOS with an EXT fs to try to avoid that again.


Well btrfs is still in development so perhaps that’s wise…

Suse is rolling it as default fs for / on their distros. So they’ve been drinking the koolaid for awhile now.

I wasn’t aware it was default on sles? Only leap

They’re doing it. It’s not a bad fs. To me it just seems like you need compute power if it wants to rebalance.

PS your username is cool

Yeah, by design, and I’m pretty sure it’s documented that you shouldn’t rebalance in prod and you should never cancel a rebalance uncleanly.

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Yup, yessir.

Having some problems with pulseaudio. I’m using a proaudio card which needs some changes in and asound.conf otherwise i only get mono output. Mainly to do with detection, here is what i changed in
load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,0 tsched=0
Commented out this:

### Automatically load driver modules depending on the hardware available
#load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0
### Use the static hardware detection module (for systems that lack udev support)
#load-module module-detect

And asound.conf:

pcm.!default {
    type hw
    card 0

ctl.!default {
    type hw
    card 0

There are some other changes but they have to do with resampling quality and such.
Anyway every time i login pulse mutes the pcm 0 channel in alsamixer, if i check before login into the DE from another tty it is unmuted.
Using Fedora 30 beta with Kde. On other distro’s i did not have this problem but i was not using the config files in the home folder then, sometimes they got changed so i switched to this when i installed F30. I basically copied over the config files to ~ and edited to my needs, permissions seem to be fine as well.

I have now got lutris installed.

And I download the config for Osiris: New Dawn. However the keyboard and mouse do not work in the game, but the mouse is fine in the main menu.

I have this problem on my workstation running Leap at work, but not with my desktop at home running Tumbleweed.