The small linux problem thread

Just throwing in a small question… what am I doing wrong here?

[tarulia@localhost]~% journalctl --list-boots 
 -2 a57ba4cdc22d4b1abfc1a77083a90313 Thu 2021-10-07 00:34:22 CEST—Thu 2021-10-07 00:39:27 CEST
 -1 9be1730cc0e648538f4bbd2915caafcd Thu 2021-10-07 00:39:54 CEST—Fri 2021-10-22 18:37:50 CEST
  0 13c8197e805e4b7a9ab35aab19298039 Fri 2021-10-22 18:38:22 CEST—Fri 2021-10-22 19:00:50 CEST
[tarulia@localhost]~% journalctl -b -1
Data from the specified boot (-1) is not available: No data available
[tarulia@localhost]~% journalctl -b 9be1730cc0e648538f4bbd2915caafcd
-- Logs begin at Thu 2021-09-09 14:16:54 CEST, end at Fri 2021-10-22 19:02:55 CEST. --

If I understand the man page right and also everyone online I can find, journalctl -b -1 should work to get the previous boot… I’m confused.