The singularity

Overall speculation & discussion. Post your own specs on the technological singularity: when is it going to happen, what will it do for our society (good & bad), will it be a joint effort of all big companies, a science team in a university or IBM the head this cosmos and yes, you can post about how you would cuddle up with cute anime girls inside computers and yes, you can also brag about already having singularity and a perfect sense of reality (but as always, take off your fedora before explaining your superiority).

My predictions:

It will happen some time after the graphite revolution with the help of quantum computing.

Our current society will rebel against it for a while until every machinist/whatnot in employment loses their job and then there will be the rebirth which is filled with robot ethnics laws and other calamity.

I doubt the singularity will take place in a machine using graphene but I agree on quantam computing.

right now Ibm has supercomputers only about as smart as a dog. graphine should bring it to about the level of a chimp/toddler. superconducting elements like this could easily bring it past adult human levels. the developer should be a government lab of the fastest advancing country at the time. 


rebellion agenst machines taking jobs should take place before singularity but I think that will solve itself when we start exploring and colonizing space. also it's likely an AI or android that becomes singular will be discontinued from development not only due to fear but lack of demand. since non singular machines will already be able to do any task more effectively.

plus genetic engineering and machine augmentation will allow humans to perform at the same level or higher with less risk.

I don't believe in computers becoming as smart or smarter than humans, let alone computers being human. Let's keep our feet on the ground here; even simulating an ant's brain is extremely hard for us, and we're probably not even doing it right yet. CPU power cannot increase forever as we reach physical limits. Also, what is aware? I don't believe it is something that a computer can become. You either have it or not; you cannot learn it.


Also, should we want this? I think not. Humans are just fine, no need to replace them with computers. Let's keep computers as tools and humans as mutual beings. 

it's hard to speculate, given the idea that the singularity is what it is because it is a mystery. we cant fathom what it really is. that's how crazy  it will be when it happens if it happens. it will so radically change the human existence that is not something most will see coming. im just hoping to survive it. a food printer would be cool. no longer have to eat animals, might just let them roam and re populate the world.

alien contact would be another one.

Outsmarting us humans to complete certain jobs isn't a hard task to complete; give the software a set of rules to follow and voilá. Creativity and adaptability is a whole other topic, and that's where the jobs will shift to when machines take over rule-based jobs. In the near future some jobs will be rendered useless as machines take over and new, never-heard-of jobs will emerge, just like they have in the past.

i don't believe that singularity will take place any time soon, but there are many new things being found and invented that could change that at any moment

I believe there are some significant flaws about our concept of consciousness. There is no "human way of thinking" there is just logic and processing. Artificial Intelligence on any level is just intelligence, there is no point where organic thought becomes special or unobtainable through other means, to believe that is just being selfish. Artificial Intelligence already exists in places like Google's search engine, but we are too blind to see it because we're waiting for one that will think like us. I believe that one day we will build a machine capable of replicating human thought, but by then the intelligence will be far beyond our reach. Even now Artificial Intelligence supersedes human thought, have you tried calculating the millionth digit of pi? How about one hundred millionth? Did you know that the number of transistors in a cpu is close to the number of neurons in your brain?

TL;DR Humans are selfish and are looking in the wrong places

When will the singularity occur, the event when a machine can improve upon itself and become aware of it's surroundings? Maybe in the next 20-30 years, hopefully fusion becomes reliable, if not the AI will make it reliable. It will be a sudden rush of realization, a modern technological renaissance that will expand exponentially as it builds upon itself.

Who will create it? Probably a joint group of computing centers, right now Google seems like a good candidate. It's kindof up to brute force and genetic algorithms now, and bringing focus to the chaos.

Is this a good thing? Overall for humanity, yes. Will the outcome be accepted? Probably not because it will conflict with everything that makes us human. We either accept the change and surrender to superior intellect and lose our willpower and free thought (because human opinion would be useless and there would be no use for willpower), or we resist and end up suffering consequences (like not getting a vaccine because it has nano-bots)