The Scene

Just wondering if anyone is familiar with/fan of the Jun Group Entertainment mini series called The Scene (I can't find any links to Season 1)? When I was a visiting/exchange advanced college student in India (actually, I was a high school student, who was bumped up to three college courses in Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy of Mind and Language), back in 1999-2002, there used to be this tech magazine called Digit, which came with a CD full of free software, trials and what not. And on every edition there would be this episode of The Scene.

It is a P2P targeted series based around, roughly, The Warez Scene. The primary mode of dialogue, between the characters as well as the characters and the audience, was through zoom-ins on transcripts of IRC text. It was very much a thriller, back in them days, and very much a niche nostalgia today.

I wonder if anyone else here is into The Scene?