I have noticed only recently that energy drinks have become very widespread, there are hundreds of brands out there and the marketing is getting more and more aggressive. Of course this doesn't seem like a huge problem at first, but I do have a few concerns here:
Energy drinks in general: First of all, I'm not a huge fan of them. Compared to coffee they usually contain more caffeine (one might even argue that the concentration is a bit too high) and tons of sugar. Of course, if you are an adult man/a grown up woman then I have no right to tell you what to do, but I think that there are quite a few problems with that.
Energy drinks replacing soft drinks: It seems that many people think of energy drinks as a simple replacement for their soft drink of choice. The marketing suggests that energy drinks are awesome for people with an active lifestyle, that extreme-sports athletes drink them to perform their best, etc. All of this is complete bollocks, no real athlete would pump themselves full with sugar and caffeine before/while they have to perform. Another point that really becomes important is that energy drinks taste very similar to soft drinks. They're both extremely sweet and frankly, people like that. The problem here is that people are pumped full of caffeine the whole day, and that can't be too healthy in the long run. Energy drinks should be seen as a replacement for coffee when you need to be awake and concentrated, and I don't see too many people drinking coffee 24/7.
Energy drinks and children: I've seen children as young as 12 year olds running around with energy drinks on their way to school. Parents don't have a way to oversee their children all the time, they come across some kind of store on their way to school, they have their own pocket money or maybe even lunch money and they will buy energy drinks. Children and tons of caffeine are simply not a good combination, it is not healthy for the children and I feel very sorry for the teachers who have to deal with them. I personally think that stores should not be allowed to sell them to little children and that parents need to make them clear that this stuff is not healthy for them (again, not only the sugar but the caffeine).
So, am I overreacting? I've just noticed it recently and I'm genuinely worried about this to be honest.