The Nostalgic Gamer

[color=#000000; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 16px][color=#ffffff]Hey, Raze The World community, this is my second forum thread and I've been wondering on whether or not to start this one up. I decided to because I'm sure a lot of lifetime players are out there with much love for those games you played when you were a wee lad.

Just thought I'd ask what [/color][color=#ffffff] [/color][i][color=#ffffff]were[/color][/i][color=#ffffff] the games that you hold near to your heart and have done things for (intentioanlly stoped playing a newer games just to replay the beforementioned, etc.). And if you have crazy stories that'll be nice too. Or you can list them like I'll be doing.

-Max Payne

-Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne


-Elderscrolls III: Morrowind


I have great fun with

Deus Ex

Fallout 1 & 2

Syndicate Plus

System Shock 1 & 2

anything from TSR

Stone Keep


Planescape: Torment


The Dig

Full Throttle

Crusader: No Remorse & Crusader: No Regret

WarCraft 2


Kings Quest Series

Space Quest Series

The list goes on.

Gothic 1 and 2

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Ultima Online

Thief, the 3 of them

Diablo I and II

Star Wars: Republic Commando (most of you guys never heard of that but it's a FANTASTIC FPS, comando based, it's really really good.)

I didn't start playing PC games until I was about 12, but when i was younger I had a SNES, and my favourite games on it were:

Zelda: A Link to the Past

Super Mario 2D platformers.

Newer games to me are not fun at all i think some browser games are getting more FUN not better but MORE FUN than other games

Fallout 1 & 2 and tactics.