So, my system is getting pretty old now with it’s AMD FX 8350 and so its time to build a whole new system and so this is what i picked out. I got most of it already (as indicated by *) But, it never hurts to get some opinions as i dont have a lot of experience with this generation of tech.
*AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 3.8 GHz 6-Core Processor
*Fractal Design Celsius S36
*Gigabyte X570 AORUS MASTER
*Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 32 GB (4 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200
*Intel 660p Series 2.048 TB M.2-2280 NVME
Intel 660p Series 2.048 TB M.2-2280 NVME
Gigabyte GeForce RTX 2080 8 GB AORUS
*Lian Li PC-O11 Dynamic
*EVGA SuperNOVA G3 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply
I may change out the graphics card for a watercooled variant but, depends on pricing and availability when it comes time to order it.
What is the context of the usage of your new system? If its just for gaming, I would argue that you are overspending on the motherboard, particularly if you have no use case for a PCIe 4. A “normie” usage would almost never saturate its bus speed. If you want to “future proof” it, you better know how to resell an RTX 2080 once whatever its successor releases. I’d say downgrade the motherboard a bit (even get a X470 if you can borrow a CPU to flash it into the new BIOS, then get a higher end CPU, maybe a 3700X or 3800X.
Also, if you are going to raid that SSD, again, what for? I would rather have a high capacity HDD as secondardy drive. than a raid 0 setup. I currently run a 240GB SSD and I can live with it, plus a higher capacity HDD. Then again, these days I feel more compelled to play indie games vs AAA games.
For the cooler, I tend to favor those bulky Noctua coolers vs any water cooled setups. If your cooler fails, there is a passive heatsink fallback. If the pump dies, or leaks, there might be a high chance of catastrophic system failure. But that’s just me. Other AIO users seem to have no problems.
That tiny little processor with that ginormous cooler…
This system in general is super unbalanced.
If the goal is gaming you don’t need that powerful cooler and those nvmes.
If the goal is something else than gaming you need much more CPU power…
In any case I see this system as unbalanced.
I do a lot of everything, Gaming, 3D modeling, photoshop, programming etc etc. The computer is my sandbox.
The motherboard is often the biggest pain to upgrade in a system so when picking a motherboard i wanted something with all the bells and whistles that would keep up with any future upgrades in processor, storage or graphics card i put into it later over time.
NVME’s will not be in raid, i deal with a lot of large files and installations. Moving them takes forever on HDD and i really wanted to eliminate that issue. Unlisted here (sorry for the oversight) is a 10tb HDD backup drive for long term, low access storage which i already use and will be transferring over.
The cooler was chosen for two reasons.
1: Because my wife likes to keep the house warm… so i am constantly fighting ambient temps…
2: All the fans chain to a controller on the rad which leads down one of the sleeves to the cpu block. This means i have one cord, one simple braided sleeve cord to have to manage instead of a bunch of fan cords.
Also not mentioned before are the RGB strimmers for the 24pin and 8pin so the whole build is powered by rainbows for absolute ridiculousness.
Thank you for your input. It really is appreciated!
As someone who bought an i5-2500 back in 2011 with the idea of upgrading it to a 2600K or next gen’s high-end CPU later, I can tell you that CPU upgrades usually tend to not happen.
When that next generation gets released, you’ll realize that upgrading simply doesn’t make sense price-wise and you’ll keep using the original CPU instead. Then the next generation comes around, and then a socket change … and the upgrade never happens.
Nine years later I’m still using that 2500. Eventually I ran out of CPU power for my daily use and decided that it was better to build a new PC than to update the old one. The old one then became a secondary rig.
So buy the CPU you want right away.
There also is no guarantee that AM4 will be around for much longer, so upgrading in 3-5 years is unlikely to happen. I seem to recall AMD saying a couple of years ago that the AM4 socket would be supported until 2020.
If you really think you’ll need those PCIe4 SSD speeds, then by all means go X570. However keep in mind that you’ll only notice the speed difference when copying very large files between your SSDs, in day-to-day use the machine won’t be noticeably faster than if you were using a modern SATA SSD.
At 2100MB/s (the best write speed I’ve seen out of my main rig’s 960PRO drives), it takes about 16 minutes to copy 2TB of data from one SSD to the next.
Current PCIe4 SSDs seem to top out at about 4100 MB/s write, so about double the speed. At that speed you save 8 minutes over those 2TB. That’s 0.2 seconds per GB.
Think about how much data you’ll realistically move, then decide for yourself if the amount of time you save will be worth the price premium for both the motherboard and the drives.
I see a pair of 2TB Intel 660s in your speclist. Again, you are very likely to keep those a lot longer than you currently think you will.
There’s little need to go X570 for graphics card upgrades either. We’re unlikely to surpass PCIe 3.0 x16 bandwidth anytime soon.
TechPowerUp recently tested a 2080Ti on PCIe 3.0 x8 and x16, and their conclusion was that that card can saturate 3.0 x8 … but only just.
GPUs will need to require almost double the bandwidth that the 2080Ti uses before PCIe 3.0 becomes a bottleneck. That’s really not going to happen in the next couple of generations.
Regarding cooling: A big air cooler, like a Noctua NH-D15 for example, will perform around the same as the S36. In most benchmarks I see, those 2 are pretty evenly matched. However air coolers tend to be cheaper and are less likely to go wrong. For a PC that is used for work as well, the last bit is very important.
Having that one extra cable compared to the S36 really isn’t that much of a problem. I plugged my two CPU fans into the 2 CPU headers on my motherboard. If one header fails for whatever reason, the other fan still runs.
I believe that the Aorus Master’s CPU_OPT header supports both fans and pumps, so you could do the same.
Just to be clear, I’m not trying to tear down your parts list. I’m merely pointing out why the others have a point in recommending a lower-end motherboard with a higher-end CPU, and why future-proofing for PCIe 4.0 storage or GPUs really isn’t worth the price premium.
Thank you all for your input, i really do appreciate your view points.
As for monitors i have 3 24" 1080p 144hz monitors which are currently on a rtx 2060 which really cant power all of that when gaming properly, sadly. Which results in quite a bit of delay in many games, something i hope will be a thing of the past in the new system.
I generally agree with many points that others have put up.
In terms of a 3600x with the Aorus Master,
and an expensive liquid cooler being a bit unbalanced.
However i actually like the build in the OP for the most part.
But i would make a few changes.
i also like the way of thinking in regards to the motherboard selection.
The Master is generally a great fully featured board.
Of course it is a little bit overkill for just a 3600x.
However i do like to mentioned that a 3900x currently,
has come down in price a fair bit.
So i would personally spend less money on a aio cooler,
and go with just an aircooler like the Be-quiet Darkrock pro4,
or the Noctua NH-D15 or something similar cheaper.
And then pick up a 3900x instead of the 3600x.
In my opinion that would be money better spend.
Especially for the types of workloads you are aiming at.
Of course there are also other decent cheaper motherboard options available,
with slightly less features.
So it kinda depends on what you trully need,
which features are important to you for example visa versa.
But yeah i´m kinda a fan of the Aorus Master board as well.
Memory i would just go with a 2x16GB kit instead of 4x8GB.
Because upgrade ability and cheaper maybe.
Most ideal for Ryzen 3000 series would be 3600mhz CL16 memory kits.
But 3200mhz CL14 kits will do just as well.
So pick whatever you can find cheaper.
Aio´s are generally crap in my opinion.
Or lets say they don´t generally offer great value for money.
At least not really for main stream platforms.
And next to that just a simple aircooler is just way more reliable.
Also i personally wouldn´t really bother with a liquid cooled gpu either.
Because it’s just not really worth it.