So, if I’m comprehending the category for this thread correctly, this is where one might make a contribution of sorts to a collective BLOG, kinda/sorta perhaps even establish a pseudo-blog in a collective of blogs culminating in one huge BLOG. Well, I can work with that.
That means I’m back. [Insert creepy, ominous horror movie music here]
It also means that I sifted through, read a lot, scrolled a lot, and digested a little of all those unread threads just because…
I had a considerable amount to scroll through and I noticed that a large part of it was really old, if not dead content. Admittedly, that is to be expected. It’s been a while.
For those who don’t know what a Joneser is I will explain. A Joneser is basically a sub-category of a generational group known as Baby Boomers. That’s me. I’m a Joneser. We grew up in the 60’s. We were born in the late 40’s and 50’s. Unlike the Xenials of Gen X we are at the end of our generation group. The Xenials are located at the beginning of the Gen X timeline.
Anyone reading this might be thinking, “So, what does this have to do with technology?” and although that is a fair and forthright question, the short answer is: ALOT. You see, we really are that generation that grew up drinking from the garden hose. We witnessed the advent of colour TV. Our elders were often traumatized by WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Life really was simpler back then. We didn’t have computers in school. Those of us who could afford a calculator when they finally came out were regarded as among the privileged. Most of us remember the Apollo moon landing. We recall when cassette tapes were the latest deal in audio. We also remember those hardship years of the early 80’s. Then suddenly TECH exploded.
Technology made advances like we’ve never seen before in history. Some of us jumped right on the band wagon. Some of us did all we could to avoid it. And then, there are the Johnny-come-latelys. (That’s me.) Thirty-five years ago I wouldn’t even think of touching a computer much less using one. Thirty years ago I had to get a Commodore 64 because my children needed to have access to a computer to further their education. Twenty five years ago I got a Tandy. I learned how to park a hard drive. (Fortunately not the hard way.) Finally, at the turn of the millennium I purchased my very own Windows PC. Life has never been the same.
This here mini-blog will be my contribution (admin permitting) to the collective. It will touch on some of those humorous challenges that some of us Jonesers have with technology, how one Joneser in particular is coping with PCs and struggling to learn how to use them effectively.
WARNING This composition will be highly opinionated, prone to error, biases, prejudice, etc.
It will by no means necessarily reflect the ideas, standards, views and opinions of others nor any of the staff @ LEVELONETECHS.
This is a general overview of some of the challenges, experiences, ideas, in the Saga of one lone Joneser struggling to establish some position in a world of technology as a Johnny-come-lately. It might even read as a tragic comedy. We shall see.
Coming Next Week - One of my ongoing projects and how it came to be.