Well… you’ve did it again… (timestamp: 19:36, https://youtu.be/R7CxEmJjXBw?feature=shared&t=1176)
What is the reasoning for having a news item about a sex worker doing such stunt? Especially that you’ve use an article that calls this event “outrageous” and quotes an e𝕏-tweet of an e𝕏-twat calling the next attempt “twisted” and seeing the “darkness weighing her soul”.
If you’re outraged by this then you’re probably outraged by women wanting to have sex more than once per one birth.
Now, I wanted to get the world records to compare, and I had a 300+ men from the times the porn was bought on glossy paper, and a more recent 919 men in 2004, but the record holder account seems even more interesting:
You still hold the world record for the biggest gang bang ever, it was back in 2004. I’ve seen this record being questioned on some websites by people arguing that you did not actually fucked with 900+ different guys. What would you answer them?
I have never said that it was 919 different guys I said it was 919 different insertions. That is what the record is for as for what I say about it. It was so long ago that I am really tired of talking about it and why people still bring it up is beyond me. I wish someone else would break it so they can answer all the questions that stupid people ask me that don’t even care about the work but just want to ask silly questions.
(And reminded me that that 300+ old record was also “insertions” not “men”.)
So, if Lily Philips would have one man doing 1000 insertions, or 1000 men doing one insertion and holding for 86 point 4 seconds (A.K.A. Mormon Mashing) the topic, especially with this “outraged” reaction is not news worthy.
A thought on why this in the news cycle? Nope
Why people are doing such stunts? Nope
Why people get the wrong kind of shivers when a woman has multiple partners? Nope
It’s outrage bait built on misogyny and you’ve fell for it.
Do better
Also for the next news, couple aged 102 and 100: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_8glRQ4NBA
[1] Lisa Sparks: "The tube sites have now killed porn" | Le Tag Parfait