I watched the show last season and thought it was pretty good as TV shows go now-a-days, and I noticed the second season has started (haven't watched any episodes yet) anyone been watching it?
What's it about?
The crew of a naval destroyer is forced to confront the reality of a new existence when a pandemic kills off most of the earth's population.
Looks interesting! Season 2 is about to start here in the UK.
I liked it, a lot of the plots and story lines reminded me of Star Trek.
Yea, I enjoyed it last season, it was kinda' different from the run of the mill show, I'd agree it had a good story line and like the episodes last season with the Russian it was a believable plot.
Can you move this to movies an TV?
Its worth my time?. The only reason I'm thinking to start the show is for Adam baldwin.
If you like SiFi, fantasy (zombie like stuff, not really horror), military or anything in those categories then imho yeah it's worth taking a look, I'm pretty picky about what I'll spend my time watching and I didn't miss a episode last season thanks to a DVR. ;)
It's all good may give the 1st episode a try. I normally don't watch movies or shows about the Navy, because I used to serve in it.
If I could make a suggestion watch more than one or the first, I understand about being in the Navy I don't think you'll find anything hoke or disrespectful about how the crew or officers are depicted in the show if anything it's the opposite.
Nah it isn't about disrespect. A lot of times they don't quite get the culture with "army on ships"
The show is alright. Better than I would have expected considering Michael Bay is involved. It's nothing ground breaking, but it's watchable. At this point I'm just surprised when something isn't a police procedural or a reality show.
Well, the most glaring thing about it is the Commander goes on a lot of the "missions", which, you know, wouldn't actually happen.
That looks pretty awesome.. If It's on Netflix I'll check it out.
Just as soon as I finish rewatching Thomas the Tank Engine, which I am still watching because of @Kai's evil ass
Not really I was on a forward deployed submarine and all we did was mission.
No, I mean the ship's Commander leaves the ship and goes into the field with combat personnel and what not. Something tells me your skipper wasn't routinely humping through the jungle carrying a weapon : )
Oh that would never happen
That's hilarious especially since it hasn't been that many years ago I watched Thomas and I have no children or grandchildren...I like Percy. lol
I prefer James myself, since my favorite color is red.