The Kickstarter Watchlist

Hey guys! So Logan mentioned he wanted to see more involved gaming discussion, particularly that involving indie titles, and I couldn't agree more, so today I present to you:


This thread is basically a community compilation of all the Kickstarter games that look interesting and full of potential. I want you guys to roll in the suggestions, and I'll throw them on to the list :)


1. Brew Crafters: A Board Game About Making Beer [Successful]

A unique blend of Euro gaming sensibilities and American brewing pride for 2 to 5 players. "Euro Style. American Finish."

Not a PC game, but I think you can all see why this deserves a place on the list.


2. Confederate Express [Successful]

Confederate Express is a strategy-oriented tactical RPG. Confederate Express is all about exploration, fighting enemies, and making your way towards the main goal: trying to survive while delivering a package.


Looks like it could be a lot of light-hearted fun. I won't be putting my money on it just at the moment but I can see some of you guys doing so.


3.  The Mandate

As the captain of a Mandate starship, you lead a crew through the galaxy where they will adapt and grow as they fight alongside you.

The narrator of the trailer drives me crazy, but it looks like it may fit in quite nicely with Elite and Star Citizen, fitting in what I like to call the crowd funded "Space Epics".


4. You Are Not The Hero [Successful]

A new action platform RPG, inspired by all the people the heroes always ended up screwing over. Stupid heroes...

Even if you aren't interested in the game, check out the trailer, I thought it was fantastic. Looks like a really promising game, too.


5. Raindrop

Raindrop is a surreal, environment driven, survival game that includes fully explorable levels with intuitive, complex puzzles.

Source engine game with what look to be pretty spectacular graphics, looks like it could make a fantastic survival sim, another common genre that has been popping up on crowd funding platforms. From the trailer it seems like these 2 guys have poured an enormous amount of time, effort and resources into this game.


6. Obduction

An all-new, immersive adventure game from the award-winning creators of Myst and Riven.

I know loads of gamers here are big on the whole immersion thing, so this could be a game for you to watch out for, can't say I've played Myst so I don't quite know what this game is all about (half the descriptions of the game say "like in Myst") but looks quite good.

7. Cosmic Star Heroine [Successful]

New turn-based RPG from the creators of Cthulhu Saves the World. Inspired by Chrono Trigger, Phantasy Star & Suikoden. PC/Mac/PS4/Vita.

Looks quite cool, got a real retro feel about it. Watch the video if you want to see a bit more about it but it sounds like these guys are pretty capable.

8. Scale

SCALE is a first person reality manipulation game that reimagines exploration with a unique resizing mechanic.

Looks like a really neat, unique first person puzzler haven't seen anything quite like this, so go give it a sus. 



already funded but I backed it

from the makers of Myst. it looks really interesting.

Huh. I had that one up in a tab, given that it's all about immersion and I know half the gamers here play skyrim with 20482 immersion mods, so I'm not quite sure why I didn't put it in. 


oooo, i would also like to share this one. i haven't checked it in a while, but looks like it got the funding. the ingame/test screen shots look awesome (the cruddy flash intro on the vid does not XD)

if you like Chrono Trigger, you will like this.



oh, and this game.. it looks trippy.


Oh wow, Obduction. Yes. I've been yearning for something new from Cyan. I love those guys. Myst has always had that special place in my heart.


yeah, i think Myst was the first PC game i ever played. it is between that, moon lander, and that skiing game that was on Windows 95 lol

I know this isn't a game, but on the subject of Kickstarter:

i think i like you are not the hero, probably have to fund that

i was watching a few, but they're all over already

On a slightly related note, I can't wait for this game to be released...

Alrighty, updated it with the suggested games pointed out from other members. If you have a suggestion about a game, feel free to put it in the same or a similar format to how I have it in OP, it would make my life a lot easier. Also, I'm going to delete game as they reach the end of their timeline, funded or not. Otherwise this list will just become wayyy too big.

yeah I funded that one too


It's like Dwarf Fortress only with a graphical engine and it's based on the idea of settling new planets.

Now theres a reference i havent seen in awhile .


This one only has ten days left and not much funding. It's sadly going under the radar, and I think it looks great. Join me in helping make it real, especially if you like survival simulators, puzzles, and horror stories.


i thought this one was interesting, although i'm not sure it will reach its goal. doesn't seem to have picked up much momentum, and it has already been up for 15 days =/

A sandbox survival-creation game like no other, with innovative physics based combat and an ultra interactive, destructible world.

I already have that on the list, but I know, I thought it looked incredible. I'm quite surprised it doesn't seem like it will get funded.

a turn based tactics RPG influenced by Final Fantasy Tactics and Disgaea. check it out. 

Gridlock Tactics:

GRIDLOCK TACTICS is a grid and turn-based multiplayer tactical RPG that features several unique factions in a biopunk universe.

Nice Weston. Sorry to everyone for not updating this recently, I'm in the middle of exams but I will kick this back up in a week or 2.

UNACCEPTABLE! Do you know how many projects will be lost in 2 weeks?!?!?!

JK, good luck on the Exams :)